Cultivate Your Real Estate Business with Digital Farming


Cultivate Your Real Estate Business with Digital Farming – With Will Draper

Will Draper [00:00:06]:
I’ll give everybody a quick little background on myself, and then I do have some slides and stuff and a presentation to kind of walk you guys through when we’re talking about this. So, yeah, my name is will. I’m based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. I had been a coach with Tom Ferry for several years and just moved away from that at the end of last month. I run my own marketing membership program for real estate agents all across the country right now. But I was a top 1% producing agent in North Carolina for many years, and I built my business on social media, video marketing, and what I call digital farming and what digital farming is. So when you get into real estate, you always hear that farming, farming, farming is the way to go, right? That’s what builds long term success. The problem is it takes a really long time to get that long term success.

Will Draper [00:00:59]:
And it’s also super expensive sending a postcard, 55 cent a postcard. If you’re trying to do a 2500 house neighborhood, you’re pot committed for several thousand dollars a month. And then if you look at that, you have to be pot committed for 18 months to start to see a return on investment. So you’re like, I don’t know how many people, when you start in real estate, have $40,000 that they can just piss away and hope actually work, right? So when I realized that, I was like, all right, there’s got to be a smarter, better way to do this. So I dove headfirst into social media, video marketing, and what I could do to leverage YouTube, Google, and Google business profiles to basically set myself up as the ICU everywhere agent in my local market. And within a few months of figuring out some of these programs and doing it, I was able to close 19 transactions in my first nine months in the business using these techniques that I’ll be sharing here today, and allowed us to build a team to where our average price point here is right around $400,000. And in year two, I was consistently producing about $20 million a year as a solo agent. Now I know the price points.

Will Draper [00:02:05]:
There are much, much different. If I had a million dollar average price point, that would probably translate to 40 or $50 million worth of solo agent production starting in year two. And that was consistent throughout the time I was a full time agent. Over the past 18 to 24 months or so, I’ve transitioned from being a full time agent, started a small team here. Now I work primarily on referral basis and do coaching education for real estate agents all over the country. I travel and speak two to three times a month, and I do probably three or four of these webinars a week. So that’s a little bit of background of who I am. So I do want to jump into digital farming.

Will Draper [00:02:40]:
I do have a presentation to share Nazar, if that’s okay with you, and then I’ll share my screen. I’m going to walk through it, because what I want to do is talk about the eight things that you can do to digitally farm a neighborhood without ever sending a postcard and be the ICU everywhere agent. It’s basically a multi channel marketing approach. Is that okay with you? Is that okay with everybody? Can I get a thumbs up? Cool. For anybody that has cameras on? I got a couple of on. Rock on. So I’m gonna. Do I have permission to share my screen?

Nazar Kalayji [00:03:10]:
You bet.

Guest [00:03:11]:

Will Draper [00:03:18]:
All right. Let me move some things around. That’s not it. Okay, can you guys see my screen? Okay. Can I get a thumbs up?

Nazar Kalayji [00:03:45]:
We can.

Will Draper [00:03:46]:
Okay, cool. So what I want to talk about and what. Robert Mack. So, the reason I’m here is Robert. I met Robert several years ago. I know some other people at five. I know Matt Farnham in Las Vegas. Great dude.

Will Draper [00:04:01]:
But I’ve worked with Peter Abdelamasa, a couple other people in the five office down there. So Robert is the reason I’m here today. So what I want to talk about is geospatial farming. Now, I have a geography and a math degree from college. I have a master’s degree in that, which is kind of a weird combination, which is why the word geospatial comes in. And when I got into real estate, thinking about farming, geospatial is like, how do we build geofences? How do we build digital networks in a particular location so I can market and advertise to people? So that’s what geospatial farming is. It’s using ads and social media and Google techniques to geospatially farm an area. So it’s a multi channel approach.

Will Draper [00:04:46]:
And I want you guys to think about it like this. Who’s ever seen modern Family, the sitcom?

Guest [00:04:52]:

Will Draper [00:04:53]:
So Phil Dunphy on the left, right? So geospatial. Geo farming is just like the Phil Dunphy bus bench. It’s just like having a billboard, right? It’s just like having your name on a shopping cart at your local grocery store. These are all advertising channels, but these are hard medium advertising. Just like postcards, just like door hangers, just like monthly printed newsletters that go to your clients. All of that is hard media, okay? But it’s hard sometimes to see a return on hard media because you don’t know how many people are going to see that bus bench. You don’t know how many people are going to see your grocery cart. You don’t know how many people are going to drive by your billboard.

Will Draper [00:05:35]:
Although when you go to buy a billboard, they’re like, this is how much traffic we get. This is how many people drive by it. Yeah, that’s great. But how many people are actually looking at the darn bill when they’re driving?

Guest [00:05:42]:

Will Draper [00:05:43]:
Not to say that these things don’t work, I know I have a client that I work with in Oklahoma. He’s got twelve billboards and all of his business, he thinks comes from his billboards. And it’s just him on the billboard says, I sell houses and has his phone number. That’s it. So I was like, how do we take this concept and digitize it? Okay, so to do that, there’s four main channels we can use to create digital style billboards. So today I’m primarily going to focus on YouTube, Google, and then a very little bit of Facebook and Instagram. And I’ll tell you why, just a tiny bit of those social media channels later. Because in digital farming, social media is ancillary, right? It’s a supporting actor, the lead actor and the lead actress in this are definitely YouTube and Google.

Will Draper [00:06:31]:
So let’s start with YouTube. Okay. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, is going to connect better than video. So when you’re creating YouTube, you’ve all heard of organic YouTube channels moving to channels, relocation channels. But there’s another kind that you can run ads against. And you can basically force your geographic area down to a 1 mile radius around a neighborhood. So if you’re farming a neighborhood that has 1000 people, if you’re farming a neighborhood that has 1502,500 people, if you’re farming two different neighborhoods in two different locations, you can force feed videos to people in those locations. Now, you can’t do that with an organic channel.

Will Draper [00:07:15]:
Most organic YouTube channels are getting traffic from elsewhere, people searching what it’s like to live there. Well, that doesn’t help you if you’re trying to take listings in a particular neighborhood and show us the dominant local listing agent. But with YouTube ads, you can do that. And there’s a couple different types you can do. So video views. So this is like skippable in stream, in feed ads and then YouTube shorts. Yes, you can make ads with YouTube shorts. Now there’s some insufficient reach, but what I want you to look at is target frequency here.

Will Draper [00:07:44]:
This is a new YouTube ad type. You can reach the same people more than once with skippable in stream ads or non skippable ads or bumper ads. So what does that mean? That means that if I’m sitting here in this house or any of my neighbors on this street, if I wanted to say, hey, every neighbor on this street that gets on YouTube, I want to make sure they see my video five times this month. That’s what you can do. That’s how much power you have with this advertising tool. And then you can also do non skippable, which means you can reach people with 15 2nd videos that they can’t skip. But the one most people knows are video views. So these are the skippable and stream ads.

Will Draper [00:08:22]:
So if you’re watching YouTube and a video comes up and it says you can skip ad after 5 seconds, that’s what these are. That’s what these are. And we built our listing business doing these types of ads. And what we were able to do is pick two or three little neighborhoods and run monthly market update videos in those neighborhoods for as little as $250 a month. And that got us about 20,000 views, but also 40,000 impressions. You’re like, well how does that work? So 40,000 impressions means that’s how many times the video showed up on somebody’s TV. And half the time they would hit Skip ad. Well, the other half the time they would actually watch the video.

Will Draper [00:08:59]:
Which means I got free advertising for 20,000 views because in the first 5 seconds I made sure to say my name. I made sure to market myself in those 1st 5 seconds because those views are free. So the type of content for those ads that you can run, you can run monthly market update videos. And that’s a thumbnail from an example of one of the videos that I’ve run before. It’s my best performing one. You can do listing videos, you can do lead magnets and you can do commercials. So what I want to walk you through when you’re doing these skippable in stream ads for YouTube to do digital farming, to force feed videos in a small area is I want to give you some best practices for each one of these. So first let’s talk about monthly market update videos.

Will Draper [00:09:44]:
So the best thing you can do is define your target area. That’s obvious, right? But what area are you farming?

Guest [00:09:50]:

Will Draper [00:09:51]:
Digitally, what area do you want to be known for? Most of us don’t want to serve all of LA, right? Don’t want to serve all of Newport beach, don’t want to serve all of these areas. We probably want to serve smaller pocket areas. And for me, I knew I didn’t want to drive any more than like, ten minutes from my house for an appointment. There’s enough real estate business in my local market here. I was like, why can I just not concentrate closer? So I define my target area. And then you only have to make these videos once a month. So if you don’t like being on video, it’s okay. A 92nd video once a month is all you need for your strategy.

Will Draper [00:10:28]:
Best practice 1st 5 seconds. Okay. Hey, whatever the area is. So, hey, heritage homeowners, it’s will draper, your favorite local realtor. And this is your March 2024 real estate report. I said that in 5 seconds. So here’s the deal. If I’m getting 40,000 impressions and 20,000 views, that means 20,000 people are still hearing me say, hey, my farm.

Will Draper [00:10:51]:
And then homeowners and then say my name, say I’m their favorite local realtor, and then they’re getting a real estate report, even if they don’t watch it. It’s the repetition, right. So one of the things in classical farming is that it takes eight touches for somebody to remember your name.

Guest [00:11:08]:

Will Draper [00:11:08]:
Eight touches. So the eight touches, if you’re sending a mailer every other week, that could take you four months. I normally teach people, if they’re going to start traditional farming, is that they should do an eight by eight, one piece of mail a week for eight weeks and then go every other week. Well, that’s still taking two months to get done. Well, with this, you can get eight impressions on somebody in the first month. So you’re escalating that timeline. And the cost to do that is $250 versus $2,500. So your return on investment is more than ten x.

Will Draper [00:11:41]:
Okay. Another way you could say that in the first 5 seconds is if you live in whatever the area is. Here’s what you need to know about the housing market. I’m will Draper, your favorite local real estate expert. Favorite real estate agent, Realtor. However you want to say it. Okay, those 1st 5 seconds are free advertising. So even if nobody watches your video, it honestly doesn’t matter because you’re getting that free advertising in the exact area you want to serve.

Will Draper [00:12:07]:
So what about listing videos?

Guest [00:12:09]:

Will Draper [00:12:10]:
So you have a monthly market update video. You make one video per month. That’s twelve videos a year.

Guest [00:12:15]:

Will Draper [00:12:15]:
And you’re pumping maybe $250 a month, depending on the size of the area you do and how many people live inside of there, that’s a pretty easy marketing plan. Now, every time you got a listing, the next part of this is like a lasagna. You want to add another layer, right? So layer one is all right, I’ve got an always running market update video. Layer two is every time I get a listing in that same target area, I’m doing a listing video. But the key is I’m going to top it out at 90 seconds, and I have to be in the video. I have to be there for the first 5 seconds again because it’s free advertising. And then I should be on camera walking people through the house in about 90 seconds. Enough with this 20 seconds of broll at the beginning of a listing video.

Will Draper [00:12:53]:
That looks pretty. Guess what? There’s no context. There’s no context to the content. You’ve got to insert yourself. Because let’s be honest here with ourselves, these listing videos aren’t selling the houses. They’re selling yourself. They’re selling yourself as somebody who can sell the house. So use it as such.

Will Draper [00:13:12]:
If you want to create two different listing videos, great. You can have one that’s for vanity, but then have one that’s for leads, which is what this one is.

Nazar Kalayji [00:13:18]:
Now, when you’re doing this ad, because we do our monthly market update videos, and those videos are like five or six minutes long, talking about the actual market and what’s happened in that space. But when I’m hearing you correctly, my assumption is that you’re saying, I got to make that a condensed 92nd version. Is that correct?

Will Draper [00:13:38]:

Nazar Kalayji [00:13:39]:
And unlike the other social media platforms on YouTube, does 90 seconds, is that kind of the benchmark of what that ad could be? And then am I penalized? Does YouTube favor and show it more if someone watches it more? Or do they not care because it’s just an ad and it doesn’t matter to them.

Will Draper [00:14:01]:
Doesn’t matter to them because it’s an ad. It’s paid revenue. It’s paid revenue. And here’s the thing. If you try to do, think about when these come up, these skippable in stream ads. You’re watching something else. You’re a commercial. They don’t want to listen to you talk for five minutes.

Will Draper [00:14:17]:
I tested both. My original ones were like four to five minutes. And I went through all the numbers and the nitty gritty and the details. Nobody gave a shit what they wanted. I found that most people would watch for 45 seconds, so I put all the heat right up front, because people would start dropping off because you’re interrupting them. Right the first 5 seconds. If I can get that point across. And then people honestly care about two things, and you just find a different way to say it every month.

Will Draper [00:14:44]:
They care if the price of their house is going up or down, and they care if they were going to sell their house. How long would it take? Those are really the only two things people care about. Because we’re targeting listings with this, for the most part.

Guest [00:14:56]:

Will Draper [00:14:56]:
We’re targeting listings. Those are the two things that most people care about. So how can we say that super quickly? And I posted a video framework for this on my Instagram today. So if you go to my Instagram at it’s will Draper, you’ll see a framework for how to do one of these videos where I walk through all seven parts, the seven parts of what this video is supposed to look like, and I give you options in each section. So that is on my Instagram today if anybody wants that. It’s the exact framework that we used. Ben, it looks like you got a question, man. Yeah.

Will Draper [00:15:31]:
Thank you.

Guest [00:15:31]:
So, quick question. So this is for listing videos. You said in the area or not. So say my farm area is here, and I took a listing 10 miles or 5 miles away, whatever it is. Are you still saying, record that video about the listing, but advertise it into my farm still?

Will Draper [00:15:49]:
So what I would do in that case, I advertise it in the exact same farm, the exact same radius that you’re running the market update videos on, because now they’re seeing, hey, he’s not just giving me information about my local area. He’s showing me he’s got a house for sale. So it’s almost like a proof of success. But then I’m splitting my advertising dollars and saying, okay, I’m still going to run that ad for that listing over the neighborhood where the listing is so all the neighbors see it, right. All right. And that way. So this one. These people over here are getting two videos.

Will Draper [00:16:20]:
These people over here are getting the one video. The best call I ever received was when my clients would call me. Within two or 3 hours of the listing launching, my neighbor just stopped by and knocked my door and said he can’t stop seeing my house and his TV. How did you do that? Right. That’s awesome. Best call ever. Best call ever.

Guest [00:16:40]:

Will Draper [00:16:41]:
Okay, cool. And I’ve gotten this question before, too. What if I have multiple listings, multiple videos, multiple ads. If people see you. Oh, my God. This guy’s got three different listings right now. And I keep seeing listing video after listing video. Now he’s going to be a market update video.

Will Draper [00:16:55]:
You’re a dominant agent. You’re a dominant agent. Even if you only have two houses for sale right now, they’re going to think you’re the king because they see you on TV. Guess what? It’s not who you know, right? It’s who knows you.

Guest [00:17:09]:

Will Draper [00:17:09]:
It’s not how many listings you have. It’s how many listings people think you have. Somebody could be selling live two doors down from you and have ten listings. But if nobody sees them anywhere, does it matter? Does. It’s all about positioning. Okay, so listing videos. Next thing, lead magnet videos. So these I would do at 30 seconds, right.

Will Draper [00:17:32]:
And you don’t have to do all four mix and match. Like I just want to do market update videos. Cool. That’s what I started with. Then I added the listing videos and then I added this later and tested it out here and there. These aren’t all the time, but you’re basically creating like a little mini commercial, little 32nd commercial. Talking to my audience’s pain points like are you having a hard time figuring out how you’re going to buy a home when you have one? You have to sell. Well, lucky for you, we put together this ten step guide that walks you exactly through the process.

Will Draper [00:18:00]:
Make sure to click the link below. Download the guide for free, no email address required. And then we have a lead magnet so they can download that. And guess what? I don’t want their contact information because all of it’s in the guide. They’re going to be grateful to be able to get the guide. Another one. Listing launch strategy your seller prep checklist any type of lead magnet you would normally see on like a Facebook lead ad. You can run those as YouTube skippable ads, too.

Will Draper [00:18:24]:
You can also run, and when I say commercials, a lot of people have their agent highlight videos. They have their team highlight videos. Like, hey, this is what we do. This is the services we provide. This is the one that would be the most professional out of all of them. Your market update videos could be like, I’m sitting here at my office with just a $500 Sony camera and a light, right? This is good enough for a market update video, right? Most of your listing videos you could hire videographer or you technically don’t have to for the lead magnet ones. It could be in an office like this for the commercials. Typically going to be a little bit more professional, I would say this one’s going to be shot and edited.

Will Draper [00:19:01]:
And it’s one that you might run here and that here and there.

Guest [00:19:03]:

Will Draper [00:19:04]:
It’s not a big runner of it.

Guest [00:19:06]:

Will Draper [00:19:06]:
So that’s how you leverage YouTube to, again, focus down a 1 mile area. That’s what’s so beautiful about it. Social media, Instagram, Facebook. You’re stuck at a 15 miles radius. So that’s what allows you to actually farm an area and say, all right, I’m going to force feed anybody on video. It’s in that area. And so once you’ve done that with YouTube, what’s that?

Nazar Kalayji [00:19:30]:
You mentioned several different types of ads. Is there one that outperforms another? Do you do all of them?

Will Draper [00:19:38]:
This one is the one that I say is the best. I haven’t experimented with target frequency yet. It is brand new, right. So I can reach the same number set number of times. This one right here is the best one. It says new, but it’s just because they combined a couple of them all into one. But stick with this one. If you want to know how to run that ad and you want a step by step tutorial, go to my YouTube channel at.

Will Draper [00:20:03]:
It’s will Draper. There’s a tutorial I posted in January that walks you through. It’s about a 20 minutes long video. Okay.

Nazar Kalayji [00:20:10]:
Normally you think like, long form content, but that’s just more the organic video content you’re posting on there, not the actual.

Will Draper [00:20:18]:
Yeah. Even agents I’ve worked with in California that have large organic YouTube channels, we set up a separate channel that is just for advertising. So we don’t mix organic reach with paid reach. So we have just a paid reach channel. And when I originally built my YouTube channel, it was not an organic channel. It was a paid channel because I was like, I’m going to do paid advertising because I don’t have time to wait for twelve months to get 100 followers of people typing in keywords. I want to force feed people that live next door to me to see my face. And within a day, they’ll be like, I know who that guy is.

Will Draper [00:20:54]:
I see him on my TV twice already.

Nazar Kalayji [00:20:57]:
Isn’t the power of this? I mean, I understand what you’re saying. Like, leave the postcard, but when you do it all, including the.

Will Draper [00:21:06]:
I agree, I agree. It’s just another layer. If you can afford to do both, it’s like, holy shit. You just knock somebody over the head.

Nazar Kalayji [00:21:16]:
I love it. All right, keep on going.

Will Draper [00:21:18]:
I think Ben’s got one more question before we move on.

Guest [00:21:22]:
Yeah, sorry, I got to unmute myself. Yeah, another question. Maybe you’ll hit on it. But I subscribe. I’m sure, like a lot of people do. The KCM, they come out with the three scripts a week since that’s like, content. Would that be something that. And it’s under 60 seconds that I could put ad dollars behind on YouTube? Or is that not worth it?

Will Draper [00:21:44]:
It’s not location specific. Okay. You’ve got to talk to your local market. I’m only talking market numbers to the farms I’m going after. Got it. The scripts they put out is great if you want to talk to people on a national level.

Guest [00:22:02]:

Will Draper [00:22:02]:
You have to make it local. Local is what’s going to win. is advertising $1 billion on the tagline of we know local best. Are we going to try to compete to be the knowledge broker on a nationwide level? Or do we want everybody in a two mile radius to know who we are and we know that area like the back of our Hands? Okay. I like their concept, but it’s really hard for it to work in a local based market. Now, you could probably take those scripts and change it out, but the graphs and stuff that they give you, it talks about the national perspective.

Guest [00:22:36]:

Will Draper [00:22:36]:
You want to talk about your local perspective. Makes sense. Thank you. Yep. Okay, next up, this is where it gets real fun. Let’s talk about Google.

Guest [00:22:46]:

Will Draper [00:22:47]:
I feel like Google has so many different ad types, and there’s so much confusion around them. And I’m from southern Virginia, grew up in the country, and we always had this saying, it’s got more things than you could shake a stick at.

Guest [00:23:04]:

Will Draper [00:23:05]:
That’s Google Ads. They got more ad types than you can shake a stick at. So what I want to do, there’s so many different ones out there. What I wanted to do in this next section is I want to break down the major Google Ad types and the ones that are actually applicable and executable as a real estate agent, real estate team, or real estate agency. There’s some that do not matter because we don’t sell tangible products.

Guest [00:23:29]:

Will Draper [00:23:30]:
We don’t sell shirts and hats and coffee and burritos.

Guest [00:23:33]:

Will Draper [00:23:34]:
We don’t sell houses either.

Guest [00:23:36]:

Will Draper [00:23:36]:
We sell a service of selling houses. We sell a service of helping people buy a house. So service based businesses only are applicable to certain ad types. And that’s why there’s so much misinformation out there about Google Ads. They’re like, well, just run this ad type. I don’t have a shop. I’m not selling anything.

Guest [00:23:54]:

Will Draper [00:23:54]:
So I’m going to walk you through the ones that actually work. So the major Google Ad types, you have search, display, video, local services, local, search, smart, and then there’s all the others that don’t really matter. Okay. The video based ad type are the YouTube ones we just talked about. So we really only have five that we’re going to talk about. Search, display services, search and smart. Okay, now, when we talked about when you’re. This is just out of the Google Ads platform.

Will Draper [00:24:20]:
You can run down to a 1 mile radius around an area so you can hyper target down, which is what makes these so powerful. Okay, so let’s go through the basics. And again, there’s search, display services, search and spark. I’m going to go through the basics kind of of each one, like where it’s found what it’s best for, the cost of it, and then kind of the key features of it. So it’s kind of like an overview of. Here’s the ones you can do. Okay, so search ads. So these are the ones where people are essentially typing in homes for sale in a particular area.

Will Draper [00:24:52]:
These are what most people call pay per click ads. They are for promoting websites. They are not for lead gen. I know that is contrary to popular belief. You’re not generating leads off a pay per click ad, you’re generating website traffic. And then it’s your website’s job to convert them to an actual lead. But if people are visiting your website and they’re not being force registered, you can still retarget them later with a different ad type because they’re still landing, they’re still showing interest on your website. So there’s a little bit of differentiation there, right? It’s promoting websites, but these are the main ones where people are doing homes for sale in.

Will Draper [00:25:36]:
But another way I like to do it, anytime we had a listing, we would take out a search ad for the address of the property. The reason we would do that is because what do a lot of homeowners do? They go to Google and they type in their address and then they click on Zillow. The first thing that pops up. Well, what if I could always force feed my website to go to the top and outrank Zillow and and Trulia because I ran an ad against it. So when my homeowners and I can tell them, hey, go Google your name, tell me what website comes up first. They’re like, yours does. It’s like, okay, just wanted to make sure. They’re like, how did you do that? How did you outrank Google.

Will Draper [00:26:17]:
And then it becomes a marketing tactic you can use in your listing presentations. Here’s how we outrank Google. What’s that?

Nazar Kalayji [00:26:24]:
You’re asking them to Google their name or their address.

Will Draper [00:26:26]:
Their address? Okay, yeah. Google in their.

Guest [00:26:30]:
Is it.

Will Draper [00:26:31]:
This is an example. This is a listing we had a couple years ago, and I took out an ad against the actual address of the property. So I was like, hey, guys, go Google your address and tell me what the top five websites are. And they’re like, well, yours came up first. It’s like, okay, perfect. I just want to make sure our marketing was working. They’re like, how did you do that? And it’s really easy. You just take out a search ad and you give it the keyword of the address name, and it’s almost $0 because very few people type it in.

Will Draper [00:26:58]:
But when people drive by the house, they see it, a semen open house. They go to type it in. We come up first instead of Google, it grabs a couple extra leads.

Nazar Kalayji [00:27:05]:
Don’t mean to be super annoying, but are we talking about the ad is going to be the actual address? And if they go type in a portion of the address, because normally, if you do a portion of the address, Google already will show you those.

Will Draper [00:27:20]:
We do the number and then the street name.

Nazar Kalayji [00:27:23]:
Okay, so you’re not doing like city, state, zip code?

Will Draper [00:27:26]:
No, because nobody’s going to type in all that crap. Right? It’s just like one, two, three main, right? And then we take out an ad on that, and then we run it in a geography and say, okay, anyone that types in one, two, three main in this city, we want to show up first.

Nazar Kalayji [00:27:40]:
Love it.

Will Draper [00:27:41]:
Yeah. Okay. Again, I maybe spent $10 a listing running that, but it was well worth it to be able to tell my clients I show up over zillow. It’s just a tactic. It’s very small. So these are search ads. These are the traditional pay per click. It’s what Boomtown and real geeks and all of these other places run.

Guest [00:28:00]:
Right? All right.

Will Draper [00:28:02]:
But then display ads. So display ads show up everywhere, right? They are for building awareness. They’re not for building leads. Nobody’s going to click on your website for the most part, you’re going to have a less than 1% click through rate. But these show up everywhere. And this is perfect for retargeting. This is how you follow people around the Internet, right? And I always like to tell this story. So I have a lender I work with here in my local market, and he was like, will, how do you show up on my phone no matter what website I’m on? I was like, it’s called display ads.

Will Draper [00:28:31]:
And I was like, I retarget you and anybody that lives within a five mile radius of my house. He’s like, can you teach me how to do that? I’m like, sure. And I was like, what’s your budget? Blah, blah, blah. So I walked him through, like, we met at a coffee shop, and I walked him through set up display ads for him. And I wish I never would have because every time I’m on the john looking at the ESPN app on my phone, there’s his face, because it shows up as a display ad. Doesn’t matter what app you’re on, what website you’re on, if you’re being retargeted, whether you’re in a geographic location or from an export from your CRM. So take your five realty export, your customer database, your CRM, and you have that CSV. You can upload it to display ads as a custom audience, and you can say, hey, anybody in this list, show them these graphics.

Will Draper [00:29:16]:
Show them these texts. Say, don’t forget to reach out to Nazar. Don’t forget to reach out to Ben Graham. Don’t forget to reach out to C. McCall.

Guest [00:29:22]:

Will Draper [00:29:24]:
And it’s going to show your face. It’s going to show your name over and over and over again. Just follow them around for pennies on the dollar. I mean, it’s super cheap, right? On my dollar scale here, that dollar scale goes from like zero to five. So it’s like a two on the five scale of expensive. Like it’s super cheap. And display ads, they are the digital billboards. They’re the Phil Dumphy bus bench.

Will Draper [00:29:47]:
But they’re shown everywhere. They’re shown everywhere, right? Out of all of the different Google Ad types, this is probably my favorite because I don’t necessarily love search ads, right? Because they might drive website traffic. But I want to follow people around the Internet and remind them who I am. I want every one of my past clients, my friends, my sphere, to remember my face. I want them to see what my latest listing is. I want them to remember to go to my website when they need to search for homes. I want to remember to book appointments. I want to follow them around the Internet, everywhere.

Will Draper [00:30:18]:
Those are display ads. Then we have local services. Now local services show up in the SERP and maps. The serp is when you go to Google. That’s the search engine return page, basically, where all your return comes. And then it’s on the Maps app.

Guest [00:30:34]:

Will Draper [00:30:34]:
So it’s best for advertising geographic specific services to a local area. Now these are be when people type in, I’m looking for the best realtor near me.

Guest [00:30:45]:

Will Draper [00:30:46]:
I’m looking for a real estate agent. Real estate agent near me, realtor near me, listing agent near me. When they type those in, this is what comes up. So when you type in plumber near me or coffee shop near me. And these come up, when you run a local service ads, your ads get bumped to the top. So just like that graphic in the bottom, it says sponsored. That’s how you force feed your ad to the top. Now, I like these because they are highly targeted and you get phone calls because people click it and it says contact now, call.

Will Draper [00:31:17]:
You can also send messages now, but you get phone calls. And from my experience, we see about a 10% conversion rate on those. Cost per lead is about $35.

Guest [00:31:27]:

Will Draper [00:31:27]:
But a 10% conversion, $350 for an active listing, I’d say it’s a pretty good return on investment. The only problem is they don’t work in every area. Maybe depending on where you guys are located physically. Like where, Ben, where you run your business, Nazar, Mr. McCall over there. I don’t know your first name, but depending on where you are and how wide an area you go, it might not work for you.

Guest [00:31:57]:

Will Draper [00:31:58]:
I find it tends to work better in less populated areas. Southern California, I wouldn’t exactly call less populated, but if you’re working in one of these little suburbs or working a little bit outside of town and you really hyper focus on an area, it’s going to work pretty well. I’ve got a guy that I’ve worked with, and I think he’s closed $6 million worth so far this year from running these ads. And he spent like $900. And it’s really targeted to an area. So these are great. You just go to Google and type in Google local services and it has a little widget that can walk you through setting them up. All right, the next one is local search.

Will Draper [00:32:38]:
So I think this is like the most underutilized ads. So local search, who’s heard of the map pack before?

Guest [00:32:44]:

Will Draper [00:32:44]:
The map pack, like when you go type in real estate agents in a town and it’ll bring up or your coffee shops in a town, like right on the main search window. That’s called the map pack.

Guest [00:32:54]:

Will Draper [00:32:54]:
That’s where your Google business profile gets ranked. Running Google local search ads allows you to skip the line for the map pack. So it ranks your Google Business profile higher than others that have better organic SEO reach, you’re basically forcing yourself to. It’s like a line skipper, right? So going. Waiting in line for the club or something and you got like a special pass, you get to go in front of everybody else. That’s what local search ads do. The main thing, you have to have an address though, right? You have to have an address because it is location and geographic specific. If you work out of your house and your Google business profile says you work in an area and it doesn’t have an address, it’s not going to work.

Guest [00:33:35]:

Will Draper [00:33:36]:
But for your five office there, if somebody’s based out of there, you can run these off of that because you have a geographic location and you could drive leads for your agents at the office. But if somebody works from home, it’s not necessarily going to. Okay, that’s, I think some people get caught up on this. Like, why won’t my Google’s biggest profile to rank? Well, you have to have an address for it to actually get ranked on this particular one. So don’t waste your time unless you have an address, right? If you don’t have an address, you can do local services instead. Local services, you don’t need an address. Local search, you do need an address. Okay, so the next piece is smart ads.

Will Draper [00:34:13]:
This is one I feel like most people haven’t done, and I think it’s the one to experiment with in 2024 because it shows up on the main search page, it shows up on maps, it shows up on YouTube as a little banner ads on your videos. Who’s opened their Gmail and seen ads at the top right? At the top right when you’re organizing? If you haven’t, that means nobody’s targeted you in your area. I see them all of the time, especially from the local insurance agent here, different partner sites. It shows up everywhere. It’s for complete multichannel reach. So it’s almost like running search ads, display ads and service ads all in one, right? It’s almost like an easy button, if you will. It’s a little bit more expensive because it is an easy button, but they do use text, image and video, and you target keywords and it drives all the traffic back to your Google business profile. So I think this is one that’s probably going to catch on somewhere.

Will Draper [00:35:14]:
And if nobody in your area is doing it yet, this might be a good one to do. And again, you can advertise in a 1 mile radius area. So imagine you’re farming one neighborhood that has a thousand houses what if you could show up on every YouTube video they watch, show up on every search engine, show up on every app on your phone, show up in their Gmail at the top and a header, right? Saying, hey, don’t forget to contact Nazar to sell your house. That’s what this ad is going to allow you to do. And then it drives traffic back to your Google business profile. So one, you have to make sure your Google business profile looks really good. Okay. Got to make sure your products are on there.

Will Draper [00:35:48]:
It’s built out all the way, it’s got a lot of photos. But I think this is the digital farming. Almost like this is like the linchpin to making everything work really well. I think this is the one to experiment with this year for sure. So what you need to do is pick one, two or three of those and you’re going to run the same ads in the same geographic area for total domination, right? So let’s say you pick YouTube, skippable instream ads and you run it on a two mile radius around an area. Perfect, right? Then run display ads over top of that.

Guest [00:36:22]:

Will Draper [00:36:22]:
Then you might run search ads over top of that and then a smart campaign. So now you’re like six layers deep all in one very small geographic area. When you’ve done that, you show up wherever people are. They’re on their phone, if they’re on their laptop, right. If they’re on their TV, you’re going to show up everywhere. People are, they can’t help but see you. You become the most well known agent in the area. And like I said earlier, it’s not about what you know, it’s about who knows you.

Will Draper [00:36:52]:
The more people that know you, the better. Especially going into this new world that we’re going to be living in.

Guest [00:36:59]:

Will Draper [00:36:59]:
The more people know you, the better. Okay, so I’m going to keep this next part super brief and then we can do some more questions and stuff because like I said, Facebook and Instagram, you can’t advertise in a small enough area. This is all ancillary, so I’m going to keep it super short. I get this question all the time. Do I post my content to my business page or do I post it to my personal page? If it goes on your business page, it should be something you want to run ad against. It’s a new listing, right? Maybe a testimonial, maybe a lead magnet, other open houses. Other than that, nothing. If it’s content about your local market, if it’s home tours, if it’s all that stuff.

Will Draper [00:37:34]:
Post that directly to your personal right. Now, the thing about running ads against Facebook, right? We have that 15 miles radius. That’s required because it’s a special housing category, right? Special ad category, the bane of our existence because we used to be able to target super small and ads used to work great. What if I told you there was a way around that? That’s legal. There is. So this is buried on Meta’s website. Special ad category Limitations special ad category limitations do not include offers for the following tips related to homeownership or home buying. You can run lead form lead magnet ads down to a 1 sq mi area or 1 mile radius area as long as it’s for tips related to homeownership and you’re not offering home buying services if your lead magnet is giving ten things you have to know if you’re buying a house in insert whatever your city is, that’s not a violation.

Will Draper [00:38:44]:
It’s not a special ad category violation because you’re providing tips to homeownership or home buying. Ten things you need to know to get the best return on investment when you go to sell your house. Not a violation. We want to help you sell your house. Violation. Hire us for a homebuyer consult or a CMA violation. Here’s ten things you have to do to get your home ready to sell. Not a violation.

Nazar Kalayji [00:39:14]:
So anywhere on there, it can’t be a call to action. Or you’re just saying like on the title. Can’t say that.

Will Draper [00:39:21]:
So the ad copy cannot say anything about hiring you for services. See, it says services. If you’re providing purely tips. This is the misconception. Everybody’s like, well, I can’t do anything if you’re providing a lead magnet. So a PDF of tips, you’re not offering a service.

Guest [00:39:43]:

Will Draper [00:39:44]:
Your contact information is on there, but it should not say want to buy a house? Call Nazar. For more home buying tips, call Nazar safe. It’s a loophole. It’s a loophole. So you can overlay a very small area lead format on Facebook and do advertising as long as your lead magnets are very specific not having services, they’re just offering tips and information. I think most of us primarily offer tips and information versus services.

Guest [00:40:20]:

Will Draper [00:40:21]:
It’s all in the wording. You get the wording right and you’re safe, obviously. Get everything approved by your broker. I am not an attorney.

Nazar Kalayji [00:40:31]:
You want to piss off the Facebook and metagods because they will shut you down.

Will Draper [00:40:36]:
Get approval from your broker, run it by them make sure it’s okay, but make sure the services are not in there whatsoever. It couldn’t be construed as services that are just tips. Okay, let’s talk Instagram real quick. So the easiest thing to do if you’re going to advertise for Instagram is just boost your posts. You have to have a business or a creator account. It has to be connected to your Facebook business page. Super easy, right? But what content are you boosting?

Guest [00:40:59]:

Will Draper [00:41:00]:
Listings, open houses. I have a buyer’s and then lead magnets. Same lead magnets. I have a buyer. These are my new favorite ones. Who’s ever sent the letter? The I have a buyer letter actually had a listing in a neighborhood.

Guest [00:41:11]:

Will Draper [00:41:11]:
Everybody’s probably sent that letter. Turn that into a video, then run that as an ad. Hey, I’m working with Jen and Johnny Smith, or I’m working with the Smiths. Or I’m working with these two great clients. Whatever your broker approves, whatever you can say in California, right? We can say names here, right? But I’m working with these two great clients. We’ve looked at everything on the MLS and we’re looking for a house in this particular area, up to $1.5 million. We’re willing to do a little bit of renovations. We are pre approved.

Will Draper [00:41:39]:
We’re going to be putting 20% down. We are ready to go. If you have a house that meets these criteria, comment below, send us a message. Maybe we can make something work off market. Running that as an ad over your local area shows you’re actively in the business. It shows you’re working in the business. And it not only covers the area, you’re already stacking your YouTube marketing and stacking your Google marketing. But then you add this, another layer of Instagram marketing over top of it that goes to a wider area.

Will Draper [00:42:09]:
And then maybe the people in your farm, they see you on the TV, they see you on their phone, they see you on their computer, and now they see you in social media saying, oh, I also have a buyer. When they’re already watching your listing video and they’re already watching your market update video, you do that and you are solidified in their mind as the go to local agent. So when we’re creating these digital billboards, I wanted to put a visual on the screen. And just a reminder, YouTube and google down to a 1 mile radius, highly targeted. And just so you know, I did this with pixels, right? This is 100 pixels. This is 1500 pixels. This is an exact representation of a 1 mile radius and a 15 miles radius of what the difference is when you’re advertising with these versus advertising with these, how targeted you can get. This is your bread and butter.

Will Draper [00:43:04]:
Now, do you have to just do a 1 mile area? No, you do not. You can do multiple ones, and you can essentially draw whatever shape you want using an address and a radius. You cover your area. When we were doing it, our neighborhood is shaped kind of like a dog leg because we’re in a golf course community. So the neighborhood moves around the golf course. So I just went on google Maps and I looked at different houses addresses, and I would just add, I had like ten to 15 different addresses. And we followed the corridor around the golf course. So we only advertise for properties that were around the golf course because that’s what we wanted.

Will Draper [00:43:39]:
And then if you have a listing on the other side of town. So, Ben, here’s a great example, you can also run those ads over here, right? So maybe this is your primary farm, but you took that listing 5 miles away. Then you can run the ad over top of here. So you’re gathering those people. Or I know some people that are like, well, I work in two different markets. Like, I work this town and I work this town, but nothing in between.

Guest [00:43:59]:

Will Draper [00:43:59]:
You can run your ads literally in those two towns and advertise yourself there as opposed to advertising this whole area, which means you get a way better ROI. You’re getting more per view, more per click, more per impression for your marketing dollars, because you can be way more targeted using these two approaches. So that was the presentation I had kind of prepared, and we can go through and do some more talking and stuff. Give me a follow on Instagram. I put out daily tips just for real estate agents. I don’t do a ton of selling anymore. I still have a few houses under contract. I do mostly referral business and do agent education.

Will Draper [00:44:43]:
So give me a follow on Instagram. Everything I do on there is for social media marketing tips for real estate agents. That’s all that goes on my Instagram. And that’s it with the presentation part, so I’ll stop my share. Robert didn’t tell me how the format was going to work, so I always like to have something like that, kind of my back pocket, so we can roll through that and then have stuff to talk about. And that way people have something valuable they can kind of watch back other than just having a. So sure.

Nazar Kalayji [00:45:11]:
Ben’s got another question.

Will Draper [00:45:15]:

Guest [00:45:16]:
All right, going back to the part where you, I forget what’s called retargeting. With the CSV file from your CRM. I’ve tried to do that. I’m sure I did something wrong, but I kept getting an error message saying that I needed to spend a lifetime of $50,000 in Google in order to unlock that. What am I missing?

Will Draper [00:45:38]:
I definitely have not spent $50,000 in Google. And it’s unlocked on my side. Okay, that’s odd. You sure it was 50,000?

Guest [00:45:49]:

Guest [00:45:52]:
I may watch all your stuff and try it again. I’m sure I missed something.

Will Draper [00:45:58]:
Yeah, I’ve been retargeting. I’ve helped a bunch of other people get retargeting set up and I haven’t heard that before, so that’s super interesting.

Guest [00:46:07]:
So when I think of retargeting, I think of like, they hit your website and then those you retarget. I feel like that’s different, but. So you’re saying though, that you can load an actual CSV file and target those people?

Will Draper [00:46:20]:
Yeah, you can load a CSV file. You just have to certify that you didn’t buy the list that you got opt ins from those people. You can retarget the people who visited your website. You can retarget the people who have watched YouTube videos. So you can retarget the people that watch your monthly market update videos by giving them that link to that. So you can force feed just the people that saw it. So think about a neighborhood. Not everybody watches stuff on YouTube, right? Not everybody.

Will Draper [00:46:49]:
A lot of people do. Kind of. Most people do. Now, the statistic is in the US, 76% of people confirm that they get more user generated content from social media and YouTube than they do from regular TV. Statistic that just came out like a couple of months ago, which is kind of crazy, right? So you can relatively assume three quarters of a neighborhood is probably going to see your content on YouTube and then you can feed them that link. That way you’re not marketing to the 25% that aren’t necessarily that way you’re doubling down on your marketing dollars.

Nazar Kalayji [00:47:23]:
Sorry, go ahead, Ben, I’ll let you finish.

Guest [00:47:25]:
So this is unrelated to that question, but my other question, then I’ll hopefully be done for you, is I do a lot of prospecting, cold calls, door knocking, mailers to expired listings using that address strategy. It made me think like, could I put one, two, three main street just expired? Can I run a quick ad on that so that when they retype their address in, they find me? Or is that by a waste of time?

Will Draper [00:47:54]:
You could, but I don’t know, if I see them retyping in their address. Okay.

Guest [00:48:01]:

Will Draper [00:48:01]:
The only reason I did it the other way is so I could specifically tell my clients, hey, type in your address, tell me what happens.

Guest [00:48:07]:

Will Draper [00:48:07]:
I might spend five or $10 to get it and say, oh, yeah, your website shows up first. Okay, great. Just making sure. Hey, Susie, Google our address. Check it out. Hey, try this. Check it out. And then it just kind of snowballs.

Will Draper [00:48:19]:
I don’t know about expireds, but thinking about expireds, if you have that expired list, like if you have a red X or a vulcan or whatever service you use, then you can take that list, you can load that as a file, you can retarget and then retarget them with specific expired ads, like display network ads that are just kind of in front of their face everywhere that they’re going. You could definitely do that. Thanks. Of course.

Nazar Kalayji [00:48:53]:
All right, I think Ben’s done. Oh, Sam’s got a question. Go ahead, Sam.

Will Draper [00:48:57]:
Hey, I know Sam. What’s up, Sam? Hey, Will.

Guest [00:48:59]:
What’s happening, man?

Will Draper [00:49:00]:
How are you doing, man? I’m good.

Guest [00:49:02]:
Good, man. Well, I appreciate the call here. This has been super helpful. I just had a really quick question in terms of radius, neighborhood size, right. Is there kind of a minimum point that you would say maybe under 500 or 250 homes, maybe you would want to expand? Can you hyper niche to one small kind of neighborhood? Or what do you think about that?

Will Draper [00:49:26]:
I always did one small neighborhood.

Guest [00:49:28]:

Will Draper [00:49:28]:
It depends on where do you want business from, right? Like I said, I didn’t want to drive any more than like ten minutes from my house just because I’m kind of a homebody. I got kids, I’m running back and forth to school and coaching soccer, and I have a busy family life, so I didn’t want to be driving all over kingdom come. So I was like, all right, this is the area I really want to focus in. This is the area I know. This is the area I live in. I visit all of the restaurants and stuff. This is the area. So red, right? You wouldn’t want to run it over all of Redlands, but if you’re, hey, like, where you live, like, I want to do business in this part of town.

Will Draper [00:50:02]:
This part of town is probably 2 sq. Mi. Target that area, right? Or I like this area. In this area. I was working with an agent in Atlanta, Georgia, and she was like, I want northeast side and north side, but not like north downtown, but like north of north downtown. I’m like, okay, what does that look like? Draw it on a map. And then we could highlight those areas with those and say, okay, I only want to target those areas. Cool.

Will Draper [00:50:26]:
So that’s where all the ads go now, is only those areas. And you can be strategic with, say, there’s a bunch of woods somewhere, like on the side. I know. Especially near you guys, like the forest or something. And you want to target this neighborhood, drop a pinpoint, like in the middle of the woods. That way the circle just comes and grabs and slices that neighborhood.

Guest [00:50:47]:

Will Draper [00:50:47]:
Because they don’t allow you to do zip codes or anything like that because of redlining and fair housing stuff.

Guest [00:50:53]:

Will Draper [00:50:53]:
But you can draw those weird looking radiuses. Like I said, we drew a corridor like around the golf course.

Guest [00:50:59]:

Will Draper [00:51:00]:
It looked like almost like a banana when we did it.

Guest [00:51:03]:
So you can kind of customize what that shape looks like. So if you don’t want the homes on this side of the freeway, maybe different price point or different kind of audience.

Will Draper [00:51:12]:
Yeah. Instead of like putting your at. So imagine, do I have access to do a whiteboard? Sweet. All right, I’m going to use a whiteboard. It said I couldn’t do anything. I see Peter in the czar, but I don’t think it’s going to let me do anything.

Nazar Kalayji [00:51:39]:
I see you. I see you toggling the mouse around.

Will Draper [00:51:44]:
It doesn’t give me any tools to like.

Nazar Kalayji [00:51:47]:
You don’t see it there?

Guest [00:51:49]:

Will Draper [00:51:49]:
It’s usually on the left hand side. Yeah.

Nazar Kalayji [00:51:54]:
Click on the little plus that’s on there and there. It’ll give you the pen shapes text. Hold on.

Guest [00:52:08]:
My screen has a message that says.

Will Draper [00:52:10]:
The whiteboard can only be used by users in the same organization.

Nazar Kalayji [00:52:14]:
Okay, my bad.

Will Draper [00:52:16]:
All right, so imagine a line.

Guest [00:52:20]:

Will Draper [00:52:21]:
Normally, if this is the street that you were going to run on and you don’t want anything over here.

Guest [00:52:25]:

Will Draper [00:52:26]:
But if you dropped a pinpoint here and it does this number and it gathers both side of the freeway, just take this, slide it over. And so now it gathers only this side of the freeway. And then you just have to do multiple ones. So it just does this kind of over and over again.

Guest [00:52:41]:
That totally makes sense.

Will Draper [00:52:42]:

Guest [00:52:43]:
And if you were circling sort of like. So I’m looking at my map here and I set a 1 mile radius and it’s essentially two neighborhoods that I’d be happy to do this digital farming. How do you address those sort of two neighborhoods, if that makes sense? Because one of them is 260 homes, the other one’s about 60 or 70.

Will Draper [00:53:05]:
Is that particular area of where you are, does it have like a name.

Guest [00:53:10]:

Will Draper [00:53:13]:
What’s the name?

Guest [00:53:14]:
So you could say Windsor states is the main neighborhood, but it’s in Shasta Lake.

Will Draper [00:53:20]:
Ok. I would address it as Shasta Lake then. Gotcha.

Guest [00:53:23]:

Will Draper [00:53:24]:
Hey, Shasta Lake homeowners.

Guest [00:53:26]:

Will Draper [00:53:26]:
If you’re saying that it’s going to resonate with both of those. If you, if you say Windsor estates and then there’s like, I know here down the street, we have granite Falls and then Granite Falls estates and then granite crest, and it’s like three different neighborhoods and it’s like, what do you say? Well, that particular area is just known in general as Granite Falls, even though it’s got those four different ones. So I would say, hey, Granite Falls.

Guest [00:53:49]:

Will Draper [00:53:49]:
So for you, I would say Shasta Lake. And then if you’re concentrating on that area, the people that live in this neighborhood or that neighborhood identify with. Oh, yeah, Shasta Lake. When you’re doing your monthly market update reports, right. So use your numbers not from Redlands as a whole. So not from your whole area because they don’t care.

Guest [00:54:12]:

Will Draper [00:54:12]:
They’re going to care more specifically in that area. Let them know what’s hyper going on in that area and you can give them the context of, hey, in context, how this compares to Raylands as a whole is actually appreciation is higher in this particular area. Appreciation is lower in this particular area. So here’s what that means for you. Right? So you’re giving them that super hyper local context because remember, hyper local is what’s going to win this year. So you can give them some of that, hey, Redlands area. But this little area inside of Redlands say, hey, here’s how this area is compared to the rest of the area where we are and how this affects you as the homeowner that lives there.

Nazar Kalayji [00:54:49]:
If you’re trying to target one specific neighborhood and then you’re going to get some bleed over, that’s okay too, right?

Will Draper [00:54:56]:
Yeah, you’re always going to get bleed over. It’s okay.

Nazar Kalayji [00:54:59]:
Fine. If you got whatever neighbor that you just mentioned, forgot the name of it right now, just talk to them. Be like Woodland estates, whatever. Talk to Woodland Estates. And everyone else is going to tune it out. The Woodland estates people are going to.

Will Draper [00:55:14]:

Guest [00:55:15]:

Will Draper [00:55:16]:
Because the way we had to draw it, I always had a little bit of bleed over, right. But our area was called heritage. And everybody, even if you don’t live in, quote unquote Heritage country club, if you’re across the street from it, you’re like, oh, it applies to me. I’m right next to heritage.

Guest [00:55:31]:

Will Draper [00:55:31]:
So people just make that assumption, just like whatever lake that was. People make the assumptions like, okay, that’s still relatively important. If it’s not, they’re not going to pay attention and you don’t get charged and you get free advertising for 5 seconds. Or if it’s Google display ads, you get a few impressions for fractions of pennies. No biggie.

Nazar Kalayji [00:55:49]:
One last question for you and then we’ll wrap it up, is I’m assuming that you do this for people as well if they don’t want to. Trying to take on the.

Will Draper [00:55:58]:
So I don’t set up ads for people anymore, but what I do, so I have a monthly marketing membership and I put on two workshops every month and I do pre recorded courses. So the YouTube skippable instrument ads we talked about, that is a pre recorded training tutorial. It’s like, hey, if you want to do these, here’s every single step. You need to take a through Z to be able to accomplish it. And that’s loaded into a dashboard. So we use this thing called kajabi. And on that dashboard it’s got modules for YouTube advertising using AI chat, GPT, social media marketing, Instagram videos, how to make home tool videos as a real estate agent. And we add new tutorials every single month.

Will Draper [00:56:40]:
And I’m going to do a version of this presentation tomorrow at noon eastern time. And I’m going to announce that I’m launching a digital farming course probably June 1. And what I’m going to do, everything I covered on here today that I said what to do, I’m going to go detailed tutorial, how to actually do it and say, okay, if you want to learn how to do bin retargeting and you have a CSV, are all the steps that you have to do step one, step two, step three, it’s all going to be screen shared in high definition, right? And it’s going to tell you exactly all the buttons you click so you can hit play, you can hit pause, you can follow along. And I’m going to be building that out for every single ad type that I shared here today. I’m going to have a course and tutorial that go along with it that’s going to be included in that monthly membership program that I have.

Nazar Kalayji [00:57:33]:
All right, you guys are a little overtime, but Wilson, thank you so much. You’ve been a plethora of information. I’m sorry that we normally have two to three times as many people on here. But the good news is, again, it’s recorded so people can go back and listen to it. I think this will be things where people go back and listen to it, even if they’ve listened to it today, because there’s just a lot of content. So I appreciate you being on here and sharing with us as well. So someone’s asking how much it is. I’m assuming that you can reach out to will and get that information directly from.

Will Draper [00:58:02]:
Just go to. It’s All of the information is on that website. Or if you go to my Instagram, just click my link in bio. It’s got everything you would need to know on there if you’re interested. And you can feel free to dm me on Instagram. You’re like, yeah, I looked at it, but I just don’t understand. Send me a DM.

Will Draper [00:58:18]:
There’s several people on here that I do know and that I recognize that know I respond to every DM. What’s up, Karen? How are you? I. I just saw her give me a shout. She’s great.

Nazar Kalayji [00:58:27]:
Okay, awesome. All right, guys, have an awesome Thursday and we’ll talk to you guys next week’s call. Take care. Bye bye.

Guest [00:58:33]:
All right, thanks.

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