Party Your Way to $250K in Real Estate


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Party Your Way to 250K in Real Estate

Brian Olivard [00:13:47]:

All right, guys, let’s get this party started. All right. My name is Brian Olivard, Atlanta’s real tall realtor. I am a broker in both Georgia and Tennessee. And originally from New Orleans, I have deemed myself the party boy of real estate. It comes from just my background, but also I have a minor in hospitality, restaurant and tourism. And then also my major was in psychology and then went to get my master’s in clinical Social work. So navigating people’s happiness through celebration has been a massive part of my business and my success.

Brian Olivard [00:14:28]:

And so what I’m going to do is share my screen with you guys. Does anybody, before we start, currently host parties in some way, shape or form for either client appreciation, recruiting know, just sheer sphere of influence. Robert, you okay? So I’m not going to be kind of giving too many life lessons on this one, but just maybe some ideas and then we can kind of put some legs around some conversation. I’m sure right now, as we’re moving into the holiday season, everybody’s kind of getting into their party season, trying to satisfy the need to make sure 2024 is great through client appreciation, parties, pie, events, what happened in Thanksgiving. And so I’m going to give you a few other ideas that have kind of been successful for us. So today we’re going to talk about partying your way to 250K. Let me just get this up and running, guys. Can you all see my screen? Awesome.

Brian Olivard [00:15:31]:

All right, so, like I said, I’ve been in the business for. I started in New Orleans, Louisiana. I’ve been in the business for a little over 15 years. I run a company with my husband, and we’ve been putting on parties for anything that allow us to have a party, including recruiting. So kind of diving into that, how I started in the party, using that as a sphere, a source, a lead source, and a lead pillar, was agent to agent referral. So I’ve been in the Tom Ferry ecosystem for a while. But even outside of that, I also wanted to network. I like to travel.

Brian Olivard [00:16:05]:

And it seems the people that I gravitate towards are people that are also in the trenches with us doing real estate and trying to be entrepreneurs and better our businesses and really grow as entrepreneurs and individuals. So one of the things that we’ve done and that has been able to be spread through five different markets. Now we’re in Savannah. My home market is AtlantA. We’re also in North Georgia. We’re in Athens, and we’re also in Chattanooga. And to be continued on where those are going to. But hosting parties and events has allowed me the opportunity to network with like minded people.

Brian Olivard [00:16:41]:

And so both myself and Jessica Forster, who also is on this call, we started a broker to broker coast to coast with agents doing the most summit supersocial. And that has led to a major source of our business, which is agent to Agent Referral. So the reason how we got to that is the summit supersocial party. About 33% of our year is transactions that come from Tom Ferry ecosystem and the networks that the masterminds. Very similar to this. So if you haven’t dove into this as a lead pillar. I highly recommend you do it. It’s probably one of the most satisfying and gratifying parts of the lead generation process.

Brian Olivard [00:17:28]:

And it doesn’t even feel like lead generation because these have become friends, family. Christina was joking that Jessica Forrester and I have. We’re a family. I call her my much older sister. She loves it when I call her that. And the reason it came to be that is we have kind of grown from babies up till where we’re continuing to grow our businesses. She was the first person I met in the Tom Ferry ecosystem, and so we’ve just kind of aligned together, and we throw ideas out there, things that she’s great at. I’m not, and I’m great at everything, so I just really am there to help her in life.

Brian Olivard [00:18:04]:

That’s really my, um. But anyway, these events.

Jessica Forrester [00:18:08]:

Oh, my gosh.

Brian Olivard [00:18:10]:

Let’s mute that microphone. Jessica Forrester. Thank you. We don’t need any feedback for the peanut gallery anyway. So we’re up to about 800 RSVPs now. How did we do that? So let’s dive into. You don’t just say, hey, guys, come have a drink. Now, the first event that we Brew was in Anaheim.

Brian Olivard [00:18:31]:

It was at the Tom Ferry Summit, which was in August. And we did it around this hotel. We had no idea what the hotel looked like. We didn’t know if it was a dump. We really didn’t know, but we knew that they had space. So we found this space that was willing to go ahead and allow us to bring our people in. So I didn’t know a ton of people. Jessica and I, we were fairly new to the ecosystem.

Brian Olivard [00:18:56]:

So how do you build from just. I think we initially did 200 people in attendance all the way to where we’re now? Well, there’s a few factors that go into that, and it takes a village. So kind of relying on the ecosystem itself to do that is pretty important. Hold on, I’m missing a slide here. So the first thing that we did was we picked a theme. You never want to not have a theme. A dinner party that doesn’t have a theme is just a dinner, guys. And that’s kind of, like, my biggest rule, and I think it’s on one of my slides later.

Brian Olivard [00:19:31]:

So we did a open house. It was across in Anaheim. I’m not a Disney person, but it was across the street from Disney World. So we had all of the hosts be Disney Castles, and we did an open house. And every person that came through, they grabbed a token, which was a character, and you had to go find your person to earn drink tickets. So like, for me, I had Aladdin’s castle or Jasmine’s Castle, and so Jafar and everybody, they had to come up and they go, oh, tell me about your house. And I’m like a know sand oasis with paradise with palm trees and whatever. And if it was a fit, then you got to talk to those people in an immediate fashion.

Brian Olivard [00:20:12]:

That went from 200 people to the next year. We did like a wicked theme that was like coming to, I believe we said, going to get brains and courage and all the things that are based around that. And we start promoting this two months in advance and really start kind of telling people where to come. And we did an ice bar one time in Vegas and it was network and chill, so we always deemed the parties and it just kind of grew from there. Ton of past client events. Like I mentioned, Mardi Gras being a New Orleans boy, I started this business in Atlanta. I knew not a soul. And when I moved here, I was on a team.

Brian Olivard [00:20:54]:

I had a small Popeyes fried chicken and two king cakes was all that I had with the party. And then obviously some drinks and kind of giving people the background of my New Orleans. You can’t get king cakes and anyone that says they can, outside of just, it’s a coffee cake at that point. So I had them shipped in and everybody on Mardi Gras Day eats Popeyes fried chicken. Seems very basic and simple. Didn’t cost me a ton. Then that next year when it really escalated, I had to get somebody else to go drive the chicken over because it greased up all the windows in somebody’s car and I sure as heck wasn’t having it do it to my car. And that party just continued to take off even during.

Brian Olivard [00:21:38]:

So consistency is going to be key and I’m going to get into some of these bullet points in a minute. But even during the pandemic, people expect this party. This is one party that I have that people are consistently asking about. They’re telling their friends in a referral networking way, and it’s something that has grown year over year. We do it at a different place every time, but even during the pandemic, we sent out invitations that said see you soon. It was a Mardi Gras mask and we put a little confetti inside of it. That way they were remembering the party and us, because even though we couldn’t be face to face, we were trying to make sure that we were staying in touch with everybody. In that same way, we did a pride night for some of our people as well.

Brian Olivard [00:22:22]:

And then we do seasonal meetups. I’ve been buddy the elf, seven foot Tall man. Being buddy the Elf is the real tall realtor. It’s a good time. And also seeing to get more pictures and laughs that way. We rented out a movie theater at that point. And so I would say probably the majority of our business comes from past client and referral based business. And this is just an easy way to get more business into your pockets.

Brian Olivard [00:22:49]:

We also use it for recruiting. We do coffee and croissants. We find that we do a ton of educational stuff. But one of the big things is if you can allow agents, if you’re running a team, you’re growing a team, or you’re recruiting for the brokerage or whatever that is, we like to talk. Right? Is there an agent on this call that doesn’t like to hear themselves speak? Right, okay, so we all do, but then at that point we’re going, oh, I do that. I know how to do that. And all of, if you come and you start collaborating with people, we do this, coffee and croissants, and it’s always just a little bit less than come learn about the new grec contracts and special stip changes and things like that. So we try to do that, and then we just ask people, like, where are your pain points and things of that nature? But we just try to make it a little bit more fun.

Brian Olivard [00:23:45]:

So planning the perfect party, choose a niche demographic. Okay. Now, the biggest thing that I learned is that I had a client, they had sent me tons of referral business. And I’m throwing these parties and they take a lot of time and effort. And anytime you throw a party, you’re like, oh, will they show? Are they going to come? Just because I’m an extrovert, my clients, I said, why do you never come? You always send me business. You guys seem to really love what we’re doing. They said, just because you love people doesn’t mean we love people. And so the number one thing is to find people, because if somebody’s at the party that’s also miserable, you want people to come there as raving fans and then to talk to each other about the great experiences they have, because then that builds that amazing party environment.

Brian Olivard [00:24:33]:

You never want, know, Debbie Downer to show up to the party and talking, know, world peace or what have you. You really want it to be focused on that. Always have a theme dinner party with no themes, just another dinner. I have been doing this for, I worked in hotels and I used to run events in college. I was banquet manager and stuff like that. So this is really natural for me. If this is not your forte and you were more of a C personality, does anybody follow the disc? Because I’m going to tell you right now, can you think of my personality trait high I. So if you’re not an eye and you’re more of a C, analytical or just D and you’re just A to B, hire this out, guys.

Brian Olivard [00:25:13]:

For me, it’s so rewarding for me, but for some people, it’s a little bit tedious. Also, don’t forget, this is not about attendance. Now, you obviously have to watch your budget for any food, drink or venue space that you’re renting, but this is just to market and show a different side of you. It’s like any other piece of marketing. And I’ve always found. Earlier we talked about the 800 RSVPs that we get for agent to agent. That’s fantastic, guys. But for me personally, as long as I’m getting to touch these people in a way that isn’t, are you looking to buy, sell or invest? That whole, like, if anybody took bold with KW, not to talk about KW, but that was like the big thing that they wrote home, like, buy, sell, invest.

Brian Olivard [00:25:59]:

And so this is a way for you to kind of touch and love on them without having to do that. And so check in. Don’t just have people show up. You have got to make sure you track and check people in. And the best way we found to do this is through eventbrite and you can collect all of your information. And if you already invite somebody to the party and you just do it hand delivered, they may change email address that they’re responding to their phone number. So put all of that in your eventbrite invite because you want to know, like, oh, have they changed jobs? What if you had their work email prior to and update this? And if you do this, this is that way for you to be able to get in touch with everyone without having to go, hey, I just wanted to know if you updated Jenny, your personal information. It’s 2024.

Brian Olivard [00:26:48]:

If you could just fill out this Google form for me. So this just keeps the database alive and running and you can go back and set all kinds of different follow ups because the magic really happens in the follow up. It’s not the party that was there because you’re so busy that you’re going to be able to have small conversations with everyone. So hold on. My computer froze. There we go. All right, if your party is for brand recognition. FaceboOK invites are okay, but won’t have a follow up plan because remember, not everybody’s on Facebook.

Brian Olivard [00:27:26]:

We did a ton of I rarely go to Facebook anymore. It’s more about IG and they don’t have a way to do this. You could put the link in your bio and all of that stuff with Linktree, but I think that you need to think about who you want to come to these parties and even your seller seminars, any of that stuff. I make it a party. We’re doing a seller seminar. It’s selling with a slice. And so we’re going to do pizza. It’s like a pizza party.

Brian Olivard [00:27:50]:

Like old school when you had in school, whatever. We’re doing that and we just like to make it a little bit different than that, kind of monotonous, like, oh, we’re doing this, that or the other, and then we’ll follow up with them with something else that comes from the same place we got the pizza. Maybe it’s come know a quarter later at this thing. And so putting things on Facebook is fantastic and it could be another layer for you. But remember, not everybody. There’s some people that still wish we had paper newspapers or paper magazines and stuff like that. So you have to make sure that you’re touching everybody that you want to touch for that party. Photography is great because you can post to social platforms, emails.

Brian Olivard [00:28:34]:

One of the things, and I’ll give you a couple of things, one of our agents in Chattanooga, she and I collaborated on a party. She did a dog Grinch party. I’m going to tell you, dog park parties stress me out because not everybody, I like my dogs, but some other people’s dogs, it’s like, calm down. So especially when you put Grinch into the mix, which seems like almost a predator for these dogs. But the thing was, they took pictures of them. Part of that eventbrite. They also got the birthdays of the dogs, not of the people, of the dogs. And then you can send that picture on a custom birthday card with any of these custom birthday card things and just say, happy birthday spot.

Brian Olivard [00:29:21]:

Who’s doing that? Who is sending people? I haven’t gotten a dog except for my vet, who’s like, yeah, it’s time for your rabies shot, but who’s doing that? So it’s just another touch after the event that can be so pivotal. And people love their dogs. I just flew yesterday and these people are like, there’s more dogs on my plane now than there are people. It’s out of control. And it’s because they’re their kids, they’re their family, their fur baby they’ve given them. Some people use it as an emotional support thing. Well, guess what? Let me love on your emotional support. Like I said, consistency is key.

Brian Olivard [00:29:55]:

People like to have a routine. I always have my annual Mardi Gras party. No matter what else happens in my business plan, that party is consistent year after year. If I said, you know what? I’m going to take this off this year, people would forget about it. People like consistency, they like certainty. And if they can’t make the first one, at least they know you’re doing it. And with Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras happens. And not everybody celebrates, except for crazy people that love to drink on a the.

Brian Olivard [00:30:25]:

That piece of it. They’re going to at least be triggered to think of what that is. And so Mardi Gras comes it up. Brian Olivar does that party I forgot about. I should have went this year. I’ll get it next year. I don’t care if they didn’t come, as long as they remember that I had that party. So think of creative parties that you can have that aren’t necessarily just pie event or the same stuff, because people are so busy.

Brian Olivard [00:30:49]:

When you get busy, do you really retain all the information or exactly what you need? No. If you have a million pie parties, Christmas parties. We stopped doing our holiday party just because it was so tough to get people to stop, was, I think, just figuring out something that you can hold annually, whether it be an end of summer barbecue or a kickoff barbecue, something like that, an offer. There’s a team in Florida that I’m friends with, they do an annual barbecue and now it’s grown to 500. And when we first started talking about it, they could only get like ten to 15 people. So over time it just kept building. And they do it every year and everybody in the community expects it. And it’s a way to market to that.

Brian Olivard [00:31:34]:

This is a team sport, guys. If your vendors aren’t paying to play, you shouldn’t be just paying for this and saying, here’s my business. They should be supporting you in some way, shape or form. Jessica and I have put together more. Jessica, she put it together. I just throw it to people and beg for money. But it talks about your events and talks about the levels of sponsorship. When we found that to be really pivotal than saying, hey, anything can help.

Brian Olivard [00:32:05]:

It’s not a collection plate. Say, look, if you want this at the party, Mike time branding, XYZ. This is how much you pay. Otherwise I’ll go to the next lender or I’ll go to the next person. And we never have two people that do it. Lender, attorney. We have home warranty company, we have insurance. We have all of those different businesses that are throwing money at us to help us sponsor it.

Brian Olivard [00:32:31]:

And then obviously we throw in the remaining portion of it. So make sure that these events, they grow. And the only way they grow is if your proof of success continues to be profitable for these people. And they always do. If you have that loyalty and they’ll want it. And then this is the social media, my social media. So let’s talk about parties, guys. Who’s throwing them? What are you working with? Or is this something you’re considering adding to your 2024 business plan?

Kristina Kendig [00:33:03]:

So that’s so funny. I was just getting supplies for our party on our pictures with Santa on Sunday or Saturday. And I hate it. I hate doing it. I hate everything about it. I hate organizing it. I like it when the people are there, but I never know how many people are going to come because we put it out on our geo farm. How many people are going to show up? Are we going to have enough stuff? Like, it just stresses me out.

Kristina Kendig [00:33:31]:

So I love the pirate out. And I want to see your paper that you have for the vendors because we tend to do a lot of it ourselves and then we’re begging for whatever scraps they can give us. But we definitely need to see your and Jess’s donation request form.

Brian Olivard [00:33:52]:

It kind of makes know because if you, you’re also, it’s kind of a negotiation. So it really does matter that they’re putting all of that together and you’re just saying these are the three options here and let me know. And they’re very different, even the people that they get to invite from their team and stuff like that. Because remember, they might have people that they want to bring on to help network and really grow their stuff, too. So I think that having that in play just makes it look a little bit more professional. And it’s not just like everybody in your market is going, hey, can I have $1,000 here? Or I can have 2500 if you’re like, hey, this is our sponsor packet. Let me know which one you’d like to be. It’s more professional and it exemplifies the process.

Brian Olivard [00:34:42]:

Matt, are you just waving? I miss you, Matt. No, I’m in my car.

Robert Mack [00:34:46]:

Hey, what do you do, Brian? What do you do with specifically title partners with Respa? And they’re obviously understandable hesitation with co branding and doing all that stuff. What have you learned?

Brian Olivard [00:35:01]:

Best practices. So we have to do 50% with them. So what we donate, they also have to donate. But their coparketing just goes on like step and repeat and stuff like that. So we found that they can’t just pay for all of it. It has to be a co brand.

Robert Mack [00:35:24]:

Any other partners that that’s a concern with like Lender?

Brian Olivard [00:35:27]:

Same thing. No lender. I mean, we’ve never had. The thing is you have to go in equal parts with everyone. So by the time we get to that, I think our party is typically like 5000 for our Mardi Gras party this year we’re actually bringing it to the house and going to spend some more money on decor and more of that feel for it and then charge realtor real estate to pay for the house. Then that comes in. There’s all kinds of creative ideas to go into it for you to move apart, but we’re going to pull down the budget. But like 4000 if you get enough sponsors, you’re really walking away with an Excellent ROI on something that you didn’t have to put a lot into.

Brian Olivard [00:36:08]:

But you can’t have them pay for the majority or you have to at least put in a portion to equal and match. Cool. Jessica, I think put into the chat.

Kristina Kendig [00:36:25]:

I was just going to say, yeah, click on that bitly link, you guys. It’s super.

Brian Olivard [00:36:33]:

It. She does a ton of like, this is like her forte. This is where she and I, and this was our idea for super social and we started putting this together and so we just swap ideas and things of that nature. Perfect. So these prices, I mean, you can go in and you’ll see some of the people again, another theme you’re invited to, a throwback. And what we did for this one is we asked people to submit their first headshots in real estate and that in itself gets people excited. Instead of saying, hey, some people just want to come to the party and network and that’s fine and show up. But some people do like to send their headshots and get involved.

Brian Olivard [00:37:15]:

We have an amazing crew, there’s a core group of us, and then we shuffle out the guest host. So this has been something that Jessica and I have kind of talked about, worked on for years. We’re going on our 7th year for doing this. It all happened over a glass of wine. I’m sure it can go over coffee if you don’t.

Kristina Kendig [00:37:38]:

Oh, I love this too. As a sponsor. It’s not just like, hey, throw money at us. But this is what’s going to happen.

Brian Olivard [00:37:47]:

Yeah. And most of our sponsors for this, if they had to go in. So depending on what you’re marketing and what the party, who the demographic, if you’re hosting like a recruitment know, coffee and croissants, they’re happy to jump in because you have to think. So we started up in these numbers because Vegas, hello, Matt Farnham. Vegas is an expensive throw a party. So when we started kind of moving into that arena, we had to really dive in and say, hey, we need these sponsors to jump in because we used to just split it amongst ten people. And so they even said they’re like, wait a minute, I get to touch 800 people. A dinner of ten wouldn’t even touch this.

Brian Olivard [00:38:31]:

And they get to go around and have conversations with each of them and then they get the mailing list. They get the email list of everybody, all of that stuff too. So the one thing we don’t like and we make sure we tell them is we will bring them to you. I don’t want you brutally marketing and dripping on them because our loyalties are to them and we will send that. I’m happy for them to send stuff out for brand recognition, but it’s not a massive hit because at the end of the day, these parties, it’s a different subset of your database. It’s people that don’t necessarily are looking to immediately buy or sell, but you want to just keep them within your family. We call it the real Tall fam and we’ve had people that community events, if you’re doing that, remember those people are there for the community. They’re not necessarily for your business.

Brian Olivard [00:39:26]:

So it’s a way to woo them to come on to your business. But it just depends on the kind of party and who your demographic is that you’re meeting with that.

Kristina Kendig [00:39:38]:

Love it also. I know last year in Vegas, was it this spring, 2023, we had a plan, an event around your event.

Brian Olivard [00:39:49]:

Everyone does. I think it’s great. We appreciate that. A lot of them have the respect to.

Kristina Kendig [00:39:56]:

We can’t compete with that. They’re doing this right here. Well, we got to do it these hours, then.

Brian Olivard [00:40:04]:

We stay the official kickoff, the unofficial official kickoff party. That way we always have it not just for the people that attend, but also for the people that are throwing stuff for themselves as well. That way we can have that courtesy of saying, look, keep this time and it works best for us.

Kristina Kendig [00:40:23]:

That’s awesome with the community events because you were saying keep it about the community. What type of community events do you guys.

Brian Olivard [00:40:31]:

We’ve done, we did a dog days of summer party that we slowed down once COVID hit that one, kind of went away, and we were thinking about bringing it back up. That one, it was more just about dog rescue. There was like a couple of Girl Scouts came to get their dog badges for safety leash control, and then we just had food. Like, it was just a summer event that came in. But we based it around, obviously, the charity of raising money for Dog Rescue. And we did have a couple of dogs that did come. So that kind of stuff isn’t necessarily where you’re like, you want to buy, seller, invest. You want to buy, seller, invest.

Brian Olivard [00:41:15]:

And so really kind of making it about the community because especially right now, it seems like the role of Realtor. I always do these two things. I tell everybody. I was like, are you working in determination or are you working in desperation? When you work in desperation, you’re working for you determination, you’re working for other people, right? And so are you determined to make the community better, or is this just specifically for you? And I think right now we’re going to have to challenge the consumer on not thinking we’re just in it for us, even though we are finding it a little more difficult to get to the deals. So just having that kind of mindset and being able to really continue to build that brand recognition, that brand trust, and that you are the right person that’s going to help them navigate this process and also keep the community strong. Robert Mack.

Robert Mack [00:42:07]:

Brian, that was, you know, it’s so funny, I think about the events that we’ve done in the past, and we’re thinking about who we can hit up for some funds. And it just feels so shady when you’re asking them for money. And the sponsorship package is just brilliant. I really do love that. A little backstory. So we were doing about three to four events pre COVID, and that was the first, like, in 2019, we just started doing events and we were getting our bearings on everything, and then COVID happens and just kind of derailed us. And we haven’t really been able to get back on that bandwagon. And I feel like we’re kind of in analysis paralysis stage.

Robert Mack [00:42:45]:

And one of the biggest issues is what can we do? And then what’s the budget? Because when we don’t know the budget, that uncertainty sort of freaks me out a little bit. So how do you guys come up with the budget for events? Or do you have, like, this is how much we’re going to spend for the year and we’re going to break it up into three or four events. How does all that work for you guys?

Brian Olivard [00:43:09]:

So the personal company budget is. So this year we’ll do it at the house because we want to be able to at least monitor the liquor. So my one rule about events is everything I do in real estate is, and really know I like real estate. Not for the, you know, they help provide the life that I’m designing. But I go back to the Maya Angelou quote. They may not remember what you said, they may not remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel. And so start there. And then if you’re doing a party, see if you can minimize the budget.

Brian Olivard [00:43:49]:

Right now, I think a lot of people, especially when you’re asking other vendors, like everybody’s watching their budget, they’re watching what they’re spending. It doesn’t have to be this over the top. You don’t have to have a band and all of that. I think that’s fantastic. But I do think that, first of all, networking events should never have loud music where you can’t hear people or you’re just screaming at people. So I’ve seen some people who are still doing the big over the top things just set an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. Because sometimes, especially right now, with so much uncertainty in the market, people just want to come ask you just an off the wall question about their biggest investment. And so if you can find a space that will house that find somebody.

Brian Olivard [00:44:33]:

A lot of these caterers right now, people are pulling off of that, so they’re giving some decent deals. My caterer is already starting from my Mardi Gras party, and I almost feel like I want to give him more because I know he’s hurting for business. So we’re all doing that. So negotiate that a little bit. The event we’re doing in Orlando, that one they would not negotiate on, it’s Planet Hollywood. But the bigger also, we know what the return is. So as long as I can know, you have to think, and Depending on your market and your price point, one deal is going to pay for whatever event you do. So if you can just one more deal, make sure you’re having them invite their friends, that’s less money that you even have to market to.

Brian Olivard [00:45:19]:

Because remember, you could send out farming mailers all day and not get things for a few tries, whereas you just have one person come in and they’re like. And the reason they probably brought them is because they knew that they wanted to support your journey of helping people with homeownership. So it really is a faster return. So I wouldn’t say money is no object, but I do know that these events work and make sure the events aren’t just like we got to throw the event, do one that is so meaningful. And I’m going to tell you, I openly tear up every time I look because every single year, every event I’ve ever had has gotten bigger and bigger and bigger. And I look in that crowd and I find people that have influenced my journey and the life that I’ve been able to build. And so if you express that and you find a way to make them feel that that right there continues for you to thrive, I think this is probably the easiest thing for people to do in real estate. And that’s not just because I’m an eye.

Brian Olivard [00:46:20]:

I, I think right now it’s tough for people to find certainty and Gratitude and stuff like that. And I think if you can show that you are leading the pack. Yeah.

Robert Mack [00:46:34]:

Thank you.

Jessica Forrester [00:46:35]:

Yeah. Anybody else have any more questions for Brian? OK, I have one. Where do I send my address for the Mardi Gras party?

Brian Olivard [00:46:47]:

Yeah, you can go ahead. Just Just send us.

Kristina Kendig [00:46:53]:

I’ll get my plane ticket now.

Brian Olivard [00:46:55]:

It is fun. We had the honor of having Jessica. We had somebody who flew in for it. One of our referral partners came into. And so this year we’re going to do the food a little more. It’s always authentic. But we got some New Orleans people on our team and I really want to kind of cook it this year. So it’s tough to get kinks.

Brian Olivard [00:47:17]:

So we shipped them in, but they’re now like $140. It’s ridiculous how much they are.

Kristina Kendig [00:47:26]:

Inflation. It’s getting us all here.

Brian Olivard [00:47:30]:

The cake cost $20. It’s the shipping.

Kristina Kendig [00:47:32]:

Oh, my gosh. Insane. Well, thank you so much. Rob’s out. This is amazing information. Thank you for sharing that, Jess. If you guys have any questions or need, Ro-Ro’s, parents are in Alexandria. If you guys need the link and didn’t get it, just feel free to reach out to me and I can forward that to you.

Brian Olivard [00:48:08]:

Thanks, guys.

Kristina Kendig [00:48:09]:

Thank you. Awesome. Thank you for the great job, Brian.

Robert Mack [00:48:14]:

That was awesome.

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