Mastering the Mic & Creating the Perfect Real Estate Podcast


Mastering the Mic & Creating the Perfect Real Estate Podcast – with Matt Barre

Nazar Kalayji [00:00:00]:
Welcome to another week’s episode of the Pot or the Master class that we have here. Our special guest today is Matt Beret, and he comes all the way from the UK because that rhymes. And he lives in Tucson, Arizona, an awesome agent that has done wonderful things. He can talk on lots of different topics, but today the topic that we’ll be discussing are podcasts. That’s what he’s just got into and so he’s going to share. Doing podcasts is obviously a million different ways of doing it, but this is going to be one of the things that he’s going to talk about and the way he’s done it and the way he’s transitioning. I think you’re transitioning of how you’re doing it. So hopefully you guys all understand.

Nazar Kalayji [00:00:38]:
And my limiting belief is when I have a podcast that no one’s going to listen or no one’s going to hear, know that rightfully could be true for the first little bit. And I think podcasts are very similar to YouTube in the sense that they are something know, you put out this content, unlike social media channels, that just kind of, you put the content out and it goes away. I think podcasts have a shelf life, which I think is a remarkable way to be able to make connections and connect with people. Take it from there.

Matt Barre [00:01:12]:
Well, guys, thank you for taking some time out of your morning to be with me, to be present and to learn and discuss podcasting. As Nazar said, six months ago I was given an idea by a friend of mine. In fact, I actually put the idea out to two friends of mine. I wanted to do something that was bigger than me, that provided value to people, but I didn’t know what it was about. And so a very good friend of mine, he mentioned I should start a podcast. And I’ll be honest with you guys, right from the get go, I was like, screw that. I’m not doing another real estate podcast. There’s a million out there.

Matt Barre [00:01:48]:
Like, nobody needs to hear another podcast about real estate. And he gave me a different spin and he gave me a different idea and I started a podcast about completely something different. So before we go down the road, and before we start digging into this just out of curiosity and a raise of hands, I know we’ve got people in different positions, but who here has had a thought about or is looking to start a podcast? All right, so you got about five or six people, which is fantastic. I want you to write a couple of questions down and again take notes as we’re going through this but one of the things that when I thought about starting this podcast, and my podcast, guys, is actually about parenting, it’s the furthest thing from the truth about real estate. It’s got nothing to do with real estate. It’s actually all about parenting and family. And the idea was given to me because I’m a stepfather of two daughters, eleven and 13. I’ve been in their life since I was three and one.

Matt Barre [00:02:44]:
And my friend saw that my superpower was being a stepdad, and he wanted me to share that message with other people, other stepparents that may be struggling or to have people on to talk about these sort of things. So it’s not even real estate related guys. And it’s crazy how from not talking about real estate and providing value outside the world of real estate, it’s actually bought me business and connections in the world of real estate. It’s a really crazy symbiotic universe that people connect with you about parenting, or people connect with you about vulnerabilities and trauma, and they have that connection with you. And it just so happens to be you’re a realtor, then you’re their preferred realtor. They’ve already built the know like and trust because they know like and trust you from your podcast, and it merges into business. So a couple of things I want you to write down. For those who raise their hand about wanting to start a podcast, write these questions down.

Matt Barre [00:03:36]:
Why? Why do you want to start a podcast? Who’s it for? Is it for you? Is it for delivering value to other people? Who is it really for? They say on average, if they have about 400 hours of your voice recorded, they can AI the shit out of you for life and put you into any conversation that you don’t want to be in. So for me, when I started this, I wanted to bring value to others, but I also wanted to leave a legacy piece for my kids. I wanted to have something that in 10, 15, 20 years time, my kids could listen back on and be like, those were my dad’s friends. Those were the struggles my dad was having. Those are the challenges my dad had being a stepparent that I never knew about. But man, it’s really cool to hear how he came through that and got through that and is the amazing parent he is today. So I wanted it to be a legacy piece, but I also wanted to bring value to people as well. So write down, why do you want to start your podcast? You also want to write down, who is your audience going to be? Are you going to be hyper local.

Matt Barre [00:04:38]:
So you’re going to be doing a podcast about real estate just for your city of Atlanta, or for your city of Chicago, or for your city of St. George. Are you looking to do this for your state? Are you looking to do this nationally? Be really clear and identify who you want your audience to be, because if you’re talking about things on a national level, you’re going to lose the people locally and vice versa. So really kind of figure out who you want your audience to be. Also figure out how often do you want to record and release this podcast. Do you want this to be once a week, biweekly? Once a month? Like two to three times a week? Realistically, how often do you want to want to release this podcast? Because that comes down to a big piece of how much you have to commit to making a podcast. And then the other thing to think about too, is how and where are you going to do it? Are you going to set up a studio at home and buy all of the equipment? Are you going to look for places that rent a studio in a city near you where you can just plug and play, record and take the file home with you afterwards? Or are there facilities in your city like I do with mine, where they record you, they edit you, and they post for you? And all I have to do is literally show up, talk and leave. So there’s multiple options in how do we get into podcasting and how do you best benefit you.

Matt Barre [00:05:55]:
There are also ways, too, that if you have an extra office at the five office, could you build a podcast studio there, rent it out to agents and make money off of it? There’s lots of options when you get into this podcasting world. So when I started looking to do a podcast, a very good friend of mine who’s a Utah based realtor by the name of Jimmy Rex, he has a very successful podcast, over 400 plus episodes. He’s done podcasts with the bishop of the Mormon church. He’s done podcasts with Omar Jackson. He’s done a lot of podcasts with a lot of famous people. And I asked him when I first started about doing this podcast, and he asked me a really great question, he went, what is your hourly rate? I looked at him like, what the hell has that got to do with me running a podcast? He went, I need you to figure out your hourly rate, because I need you to figure out how many hours are you going to dedicate to your podcast, because that’s money you are not earning, because a podcast will not pay you your hourly rate. And I was like, oh shit. He goes, so any money you spend on podcasting is just you putting money into the universe for you to do something for you.

Matt Barre [00:07:02]:
He goes, unless you blow up and you become the next Joe Rogan and they’re paying you a million dollars to move to, like, you’re not going to make any money off this podcast. I was like, fair enough. So then I really had to figure out, I was like, do I really want to spend money doing this? Is the passion strong enough for me to do the project? And it really was. So I know that I’m not going to make any money off this podcast. I spend, honestly anywhere between 1200 to one $400 a month producing my podcast. And I know I’m not going to get that money back, but the value that I’ve brought to people and the safe container that I’ve shared with people for them to share their story is honestly worth every single penny of it. So just something to consider is how much is your hourly weight? How many hours is it going to cost you to create this podcast? And is it worth the RoI knowing you’re not going to get a cash return? So any questions as we getting into this? And feel free. If you’ve got comments or you want to raise your hand and chat, please feel free to.

Matt Barre [00:08:01]:
You don’t need to hear me rambling on for 45 minutes, so please be interactive.

Nazar Kalayji [00:08:07]:
For those of us that say we don’t have this altruistic calling, if you will, towards whatever the reason is, to create a podcast. If I just say I absolutely want to do it for the purpose of creating another lead pillar for real estate, would you say, well, then switch gears and make it about real estate? Or do you feel like there’s a way in which we can link the passion that we may have towards something? I know there’s an agent on my team who loves soccer, and so I believe he does have a soccer podcast. I don’t know if it’s active or not, but is there a way that we can link it to where we can still make it be a financial opportunity without, you know what I mean?

Matt Barre [00:08:52]:
Yeah, no, absolutely. And that’s a great question. Thank you for that. And I’ve done a lot of research getting into these. Know, I listen to episodes of Joe Rogan just to kind of figure out pacing and leading and the way he leads people through the podcast and answering questions. So to come back to you, Nizara, if you were to do a podcast about real estate, because that’s your world and you want to use it as a lead pillar. It is super important that that podcast is not just about real estate, but it’s about you, too. So it’s your passion about real estate, the things that excite you about real estate.

Matt Barre [00:09:29]:
You want to bring that excitement to the masses. You don’t just want to sit in front of the camera or in front of the micro phone and do a 30 minutes podcast of you just telling people that this is what the interest rates are doing and this is what you expect is going to happen and this is what’s going on in your area and how many homes have sold and how many people are just going to be like, screw this, I’m out. I’ll find that on social media somewhere else. But if you tell them and you bring them on that journey, and a good friend of mine, Michael McHenry, he owns a lot of restaurants up in Salt Lake City. He always says to me that when he goes into a restaurant, he doesn’t buy the steak because of how it looks. He buys the steak because of the sizzle. So you want to sell the sizzle. So if you’re talking about real estate, you want to get excited about the opportunity that the new builds that they’re building, the changes in the new builds, the upgrades that they’re now making standard instead of a required cost.

Matt Barre [00:10:15]:
Bring those sort of energy into real estate and people will get engaged and come with you versus just hitting them with data. Make it personal to you. I think that’s a really great way of blending the two together. If you’ve got an agent on your team who’s passionate about soccer and that’s his identity, then why doesn’t he do the podcast with him wearing one jersey and give his guest another one to wear? It’s a different delineation of like, oh, if I see a screenshot of two guys wearing soccer jerseys talking about real estate, I know it’s his podcast. It’s an immediate delineation of who he is and what his character is. So if you don’t have a passion to talk about parenting or anything different, but you want to keep it real estate related, just make it very personable. So great question, Nazar. Anybody else? Any other questions?

Kristina Kendig [00:11:02]:
I just commented on that same thing, though. But I listen to podcasts all the time, and I love yours, Matt, by the way. But I find myself, I’ll listen to a topic that I’m not even the slightest bit interested in, but I’m hooked because of the passion of the host or that I can tell, like I like that excitement that they have for something, and it draws me.

Matt Barre [00:11:22]:
Yeah, yeah. It’s infectious. It really is. Know, you can listen to Joe Rogan and some of his guests, and they may be some left wing or right wing, or they may be on the opposite page to you, but you listen to them. And because the way Joe contours the podcast and the energy he brings, you actually listen through that podcast and huh, I’ve now got a different opinion of that person because of this podcast. It can actually change your mind about some things.

Kristina Kendig [00:11:48]:
RFK for president.

Matt Barre [00:11:52]:
There you go.

Nazar Kalayji [00:11:55]:
Realizes that again, I don’t mean to think about this compared to YouTube, but just like YouTube, a podcast, no one jumps on a podcast to listen to for 2 minutes, right? When they go on there, they listen to the whole thing, unless it’s just dumb and they’re not interested. But for the most part, either, whatever the reason is, people listen to the subject matter or the person or whatever it is, and you’ve got like a captive audience for the 2030, however many minutes the podcast goes. And there’s massive value in being able to really get people to get to know you as a human being. And if you want to talk about real estate or any other business venture, people like doing business with people they know, like and trust and what a great platform to be able to share what you’re passionate about and have them say, hey, gosh, I really resonate with Matt. He seems like a genuinely good person, or whatever it is. I connect with him. And therefore, when I think about real estate or whatever it is, there’s that opportunity.

Matt Barre [00:12:54]:
Yeah, no, you’re absolutely right. You can fall in love, or you can enjoy an individual from their podcasts and build, like you said, build a one way rapport with them before you even ever meet them in person. Just from listening to them, they vibe with you. And like you said, you may not be in the business of buying a house, but when they come to, the first person they’re going to think of is you. Because of the rapport they already have with you. They feel like they know you. They come to them and introduce themselves like, I have no idea you are, but they know everything about you. It’s kind of a little weird.

Matt Barre [00:13:28]:
True fact, most podcasts don’t get past ten episodes. That is absolute true fact. Everybody thinks they want to start a podcast. Their average is less than ten episodes. There is a very, very few podcasts that get past ten episodes. Everyone just jacks it in. And the reason is they think nobody’s listening exactly to what NZAS said earlier. I’m putting the money into this.

Matt Barre [00:13:49]:
I’m creating this. I’m putting energy, time and spirit into this. And I’ve got four people listening on Apple Podcasts. I’ve got 30 people listening on Spotify. I’ve had four views on YouTube. This sucks. I’m giving it up. I want to share with you a true story, which happened to me probably three months after I’d started my podcast.

Matt Barre [00:14:08]:
I was like twelve episodes in. And I’m getting a good amount of listeners. My mom’s listening, so that’s great. She’s committed. My wife listens. She’s committed. My kids listens. I’ve got four listeners.

Matt Barre [00:14:19]:
I’m doing really well here. And I had a message from an old military budy of mine. I left the military in 2000 in the UK. Hadn’t seen him since 2009, but we stayed in touch on Facebook, birthdays, messages, that kind of stuff. He sends me a Facebook message and he was like, mate, I absolutely love your podcast. How can I be a part of it? So I responded back. I was, you know, it’s kind of not a good old boys podcast kind of thing, but what’s your story? He said that his wife and he had gone through IVF four times. And on the fifth time, the last time they were going to give up, they were graced with twins.

Matt Barre [00:15:01]:
What a story. Now, this is a guy that I haven’t seen since 2009. I’ve only spoke to on Facebook, but he listened and he reached out. So whether you think they’re listening or whether you believe they are, they believe they’re not. There are people listening out there that will incredibly surprise you, that they’ve listened to what you have to say. I went to my doctor this Monday to go, my orthopedic surgeon. I haven’t seen him since 2016. And the first thing he did when he walked into the examination room, he went, oh, my God, we have a celebrity in the studio in the surgeries today.

Matt Barre [00:15:31]:
I love your podcast. He’s my surgeon. Haven’t seen him since 2016. He’s not even on my Christmas card list. But he listens to my podcast. So whether you think they’re listening or whether you think they’re not, that’s all up here. Trust me, there are people listening that you’ve never met that will reach out to you or share with you the value that they bring. So stick with it.

Matt Barre [00:15:54]:
Next thing I have down here on my sheet is if you’re looking to build a podcast, build a plan. All right. We don’t ever want to go into anything without a plan. So build a plan. When are you going to release it? What day? What time? Do your research. If you’ve got other agents in your area that have real estate podcasts, do the research of when they’re releasing theirs and don’t do it at the same time. You want to find a window that is solely yours. So do your research.

Matt Barre [00:16:23]:
How do you want to market your podcast? Instagram Stories, Instagram reels, Facebook stories, Facebook reels, YouTube, YouTube shorts? Build a marketing plan for your podcast. One of the things I did right away was said, okay, I know that I’m going to have the same image every Wednesday morning to show that there’s a new release. I’m going to have an image with my guests that I’ll release and then I’ll release my YouTube or social media cover so it looks exactly the same as what they see on Instagram to what they see on YouTube. The covers are just the same. You want to be very clear that your branding across your podcast is exactly the same. So if your YouTube thumbnail is pink with green writing, you need the same pink and green writing on Instagram for your reels, your whatever, it has to be traceable. You don’t want to get people lost in the ether of different colors, different imagery. So when do you want to release it, how do you want to market it? And then also start to write down who are your guests going to be? If you’re going to have guests on your podcast, it’s actually really good to create a list of guests and start putting a bug in their ear about coming on your podcast.

Matt Barre [00:17:32]:
Before I even released my first episode, I had a list of 60 guests, people in Salt Lake City, people in Tucson that I wanted to interview for my podcast who I thought would be a great candidate for the show. So create that guest list. And with regards to your guests, start small. The worst mistake you can do is have a brand new podcast and think the greatest way I can get listeners straight away is to have like a Jimmy Rex or a Joe Rogan or a Dwayne Johnson on my podcast that’s going to put me to the moon. They ain’t interested, they won’t show up. And you’re going to have an empty seat. And just you look at an empty camera for about an hour, it’s going to be really awkward. So go with local people, go with your lenders, go with your title reps, go with your home warranty companies, bring them in, have conversations, talk about the changes.

Matt Barre [00:18:18]:
Talk about the benefits. Bring value. Start with those lower league players who have smaller farms that will share and then start to move up to the bigger players. Maybe the senior loan officer of your local lending organization versus just the lo. Bring the bigger players in and that’ll start to elevate and then go even further. So for me, on my list of guests, I have my ultimate number one top list. Like this is the one I’m aiming to have on my show is Prince Harry. You think I may be completely batshit crazy.

Matt Barre [00:18:51]:
He’s on my vision board. I’m having Prince Harry on my podcast. I know I am. There’s going to be tequila. There’s going to be probably nakedness. Whatever’s going happens, it happens. He’s coming on my show. I also have people like Jimmy Rex on my list.

Matt Barre [00:19:05]:
I also have people like Drew Manning, the fit to fat to fit from Utah. I have him on my list. I have a list of people that I know. When I reach out to them, ask to be on my podcast, they’re probably going to say, who the hell are you? But I’m going to keep asking anyway. So don’t fear having big names on the list. Just start small and work your way up. Any questions so far? I know we’re kind of blitzing through, and I’m doing a lot of talking, and you’re doing a lot of attentive listening. So any questions.

Kristina Kendig [00:19:35]:
In the comments? We have, can you have a successful podcast without a killer.

Matt Barre [00:19:45]:
Have? Sure, Matt. Yes. And if you want, I can just audio dub it for you. It’s no problem. It’s no problem. Yeah, I don’t think the accent makes a difference. Maybe it does. Who knows? So here’s a question for you to write down.

Matt Barre [00:20:03]:
What makes a good podcast? So that part of my research that I did was what makes a good podcast? So realistically, think about the podcasts you listen. Know, whether you listen to Joe Rogan, whether you listen to Ed Milette, whether you just kind of like to listen to what’s it, the Kelsey Brothers podcast, whatever it is, what’s a podcast that you enjoy listening to that makes you tune in over and over and over again, regardless of the content? Have that be a basis of how you want to predominantly build yours? I’ve listened to several podcasts where people have guests on, and the guests are about 40 to 50 words, and the host just carries the entire conversation. If you’re going to have guests on your show, there are a reason why they’re there, and there are a reason why they’re guests is that’s for you to ask questions and shut up and let them talk. I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve listened to a podcast. I’ve been really excited to hear who the guest was, and I never got anything out of it because the host just talked over the guest. So think about how you want to structure your podcast. Is it going to be you doing a single piece, a ten to 15 minutes podcast, informational? Is it going to be a guest? Kind of easy chatting, cup of coffee kind of scenario. So really figure out how you want to build your podcast and what do you want to looks like, and then with your guests, give them time to talk.

Matt Barre [00:21:29]:
One of the questions I have, which in my mind when I’m thinking about my guest list, is, what’s their story? The question I always ask myself is, what’s the story the world needs to hear from my guest. If there isn’t a compelling story, nine times out of ten, I don’t really want to interview them. It’s not because I’m not interested. But if you’re a single dad with two kids working two jobs, there’s millions of them, and they’re all doing pretty good. And if you’re a single mom with two kids working three jobs, there’s a million of you, too. But if you’re a single mom with three kids who has this and this and this and is doing this, this and this, that’s a story of empowerment. That’s kind of guest I want to talk to. I’ve had lots of my friends saying, hey, I want to come on the show and talk to you about how I play football or soccer with my kids.

Matt Barre [00:22:11]:
I’m like, great, where’s the story that the world needs to hear? Well, my kid can catch a football at the age of four. Congratulations. Move on. Go on somebody else’s podcast. So really think to yourself, what’s the story that the world needs to hear from my guest? And if it’s a real estate podcast, maybe the world doesn’t need to hear it, but maybe your local audience do. Maybe your town or your city or maybe even your team need to hear that story. So the podcast doesn’t necessarily need to be outward reaching to guests or to audiences. It could also be local.

Matt Barre [00:22:40]:
You could do a local podcast for your team, for your brokerages, for your offices, just like we’re doing here. We could easily turn this into a podcast that we could go back and listen to. So there’s lots of options for podcasts and lots of different structures, Matt.

Nazar Kalayji [00:22:53]:
I think there’s a lot of inauthenticity in this world. And so when you actually listen to a podcast where someone’s being authentic and real and just talking about the ugly, the difficult, the hard, and human beings are able to receive information through stories a lot easier than just data. Right. Especially when you have emotion that’s attached to it. That’s when it becomes a compelling thing for people to resonate with. And so I love that you’re focusing on that and making that a priority. Right. If there’s no story, then there’s nothing compelling for people to want to listen to.

Nazar Kalayji [00:23:37]:
And so, yeah, it doesn’t make sense.

Matt Barre [00:23:39]:
Yeah. And think about this, guys. As Nizar was just talking, then I’m thinking about compelling stories. Could you imagine if you had a first time clients that were first time home buyers, just had a newborn baby, had worked their ass off to build up their credit score to buy their first house, and they did it, could you imagine bringing those guests onto your podcast and having them share their story, the ups and downs, the savings, the happiness of finding the house and that entire package, and bring that energy to a podcast that maybe another couple of first time home buyers hear and go, oh, my God, they’re just like us. We have a newborn. We’ve just got pre qualified. These guys seem really happy. I’m going to go call Brian because he was their realtor.

Matt Barre [00:24:21]:
You got to bring that energy. You could also bring on a client that had a really shitty deal. I thought we could sell our house for x. The market beat us up and we only sold it for y. We lost money, blah, blah, blah, blah. Bring that on. It doesn’t have to be pretty. Honestly, the podcasts that get the most views, and I know it’s because if there’s a crash on the freeway, we all slow down and look, right? But trauma sells, and people like to listen to trauma.

Matt Barre [00:24:44]:
They can connect with that. They can resonate with that because a lot of people have a lot of trauma. So think about the things you want to talk about in your podcast. It doesn’t always have to be sunshine and rainbows. Bring out some of the ugly, too, just with our businesses branding. I know I touched on this earlier. It has to be specific and it has to be coherent through all of your business. If you’re tying your podcast into your real estate business, obviously you want to keep logos and colors the same, so make it cohesive.

Matt Barre [00:25:14]:
Or, like me, if I’ve got a podcast that is completely separate, it’s got no color themes. It’s called the Bear Den. It’s got nothing to do with real estate. The only connectivity is it’s ran by the Britbear. That’s it. But whatever you choose, be cohesive. All right, so who wants to get into set up and actually doing this? We’ve talked about the reasons why. We’ve talked about some of the things to think about getting into, but as we’re rocking and rolling, actually, we’re not rocking, rolling.

Matt Barre [00:25:41]:
We got 3 minutes. So shit me, do it. No, we have another 30, right?

Nazar Kalayji [00:25:47]:
It’s usually 30 to 45 minutes.

Matt Barre [00:25:49]:
Okay. All right, give me ten more minutes, guys. We’re going to wrap this up, trust me, because there’s not more. Lots to talk about. So setting up your equipment. Let’s talk about this. So I had a choice to make. I could have spent thousands of dollars to buy all my own equipment and set up either a studio in my home or set up, or rent an office and set up a studio.

Matt Barre [00:26:08]:
And realistically, it’s one of those things. I didn’t know how long I was going to do this. Was I going to be a six, seven episoder and be $10,000 into equipment or was it going to be 400 plus episodes? And I wish I bought this years ago. What I decided was best for me, I found that again. My very good friend in Utah, he has a podcast studio. He has four studios, fully equipped cameras, equipment, the whole deal. I literally rock up. I talk, they record, they video, they edit everything.

Matt Barre [00:26:39]:
They post it for me. I literally fly up, record, fly home, done. Now, there’s not many of those facilities around, okay. There’s a really shitty facility here in Tucson where you have to bring your own laptop and bring your own equipment. I’m out. Okay? So you really want to think about how are you really committed to this? You’ve got to go all in. If you’re going to buy the equipment, you got to go all in. You’ve got to play hard with this one.

Matt Barre [00:27:04]:
If not, for instance, if you are a brokerage, maybe you want to convert one of your offices into a podcast studio. Maybe that $10,000 worth of equipment is worth it, and you can then rent that out to other team members to record podcasts for themselves. I decided to go the other route and have somebody else take the legwork. That being said, I’ve been doing this six months. I’m going to Utah. Once a month, I’m banging out five to six episodes a day. So that’s why my episodes you’ll see me all wearing the same shirt, the same hat in a lot of them because they’re all recorded in one day. I should actually take different shirts, but I can’t be bothered.

Matt Barre [00:27:40]:
I’m now looking at building my own studio. I’m looking at building a studio down here in Tucson with three to four spaces, just like they have up in Salt Lake City, and letting other agents and realtors or anybody that wants to podcast rent from my space. So that may be something you want to do in your area. It’s costly. There is a lot of backend stuff to this. What I would highly, highly suggest to anybody that gets into this, and I have contacts for you, which I’m more than happy to share. The way that you get from podcast, from your mind to the listeners ears, there is not only the recording and the editing, but then there’s software that you have to use. One that we use is called Spreaker.

Matt Barre [00:28:21]:
It’s like speaker, but with an r in the middle. Spreaker. S-P-R-E-A-K-E-R. What that platform does is you upload your audio to that platform and then you select which platforms you want to post it to. Apple. Podcasts, Spotify, Google, freaking, Reddit, whatever, whatever. You select the things you say when you want it to send it, and it uploads it for you. Now you have to have accounts with Spotify, with Apple, and all these other ones, too.

Matt Barre [00:28:51]:
But Spreaker is almost like a hoot suite. Or what’s the social media platforms that kind of manage everything for you? That’s kind of what Spreaker is for podcasts. Okay, so that’s where my team upload all of my audio, and then from there it goes out to Apple. The team edit the video for me, and they send me down my full 1 hour video, which has been edited, no captions, just an edited video, and then this. My friends do this within real estate. Screw just podcasts. Just do this in life. Use the AI platform, Opus AI.

Matt Barre [00:29:29]:
If you have any lengthy videos, here’s what I do. I upload my 50 minutes video to my YouTube channel and let it upload, and then once it’s uploaded, I take that link, post it into Opus AI, and then Opus AI. I can choose 30 to 60, 60 to 90, or 90 plus second reels, and I hit click, and it makes ten to 15 reels for me in whatever time frame I wanted with captions and emojis, and then ranks them for you. Which one to use first because of the hooks and the triggers and the language in the reel. $20 a month. If that isn’t worth a little. Bobby dazzler top pocket find right on this goddamn podcast. That’s the one.

Matt Barre [00:30:17]:
I’m not even joking when I came across this. It’s $20 a month and it gives you 200 minutes. So if you’re just doing 1015 minutes videos, it’s perfect. Play with it. You can choose the settings of what color you want, your captions, where you want them placed on the video. Do you want a logo in the corner? You can play with all that and then boom. It just makes the video for you, sends you an email, you open the email, there’s your videos download and send. You can even post directly from there to social media if you wish.

Matt Barre [00:30:50]:
If the videos aren’t trimmed correctly, you can also trim them a little bit as well, either way, left or right, and then download it. It’s the easiest way of creating reels. My friends, all my podcast reels are all done through AI, so there’s a money saver for you. Any quick questions? I know we’re rattling through and I want to keep you all guys on time and back to prospecting. So any questions?

Matt Farnham [00:31:19]:
Hey, Matt, it’s Matt Farnham here. Great job, man.

Matt Barre [00:31:21]:
This is super helpful.

Matt Farnham [00:31:23]:
I was just telling some friends the other day that even right now, what you’re doing right now, you could have your cell phone just slightly below your webcam up there where you’re framed in perfectly vertically, and you just got 30 minutes of incredible content to throw into Opus. So you just got probably eight reels posted just from doing this for us.

Matt Barre [00:31:41]:
Yeah, hopefully if my broker is not an asshole, he’ll send me the live recording and I can do that. That’d be great. Thank you. No, you’re absolutely right, guys. Matt, I just saw your message here with Opus. It is a game changer. And honestly, I think so many people are sleeping on this. The fact that it’s $20 a month for 200 minutes, like, get the hell out of here.

Matt Barre [00:32:02]:
This should be hundreds of dollars for the amount of time it’ll save you. So I’ll leave you with this lasting thought. Okay. To kind of wrap up podcasting, get out of your own head. It’s just like prospecting, right? We don’t pick up the phone because we’re afraid they’re going to say no. We don’t pick up the phone because we’re afraid we’re going to get yelled at. It’s the same with podcasting. There are people out there that you don’t know yet that are waiting to hear your story and the story of your guests.

Matt Barre [00:32:32]:
Stop doing a disservice to people that you know that you love in your city or your state by not sharing the value that you have inside of you and that your guests have inside of you. If it’s worth $1,200 a month to provide value once a week to just one person changes their life, it’s worth one $200. So don’t overthink it. You already know in the back of your minds what you want to do real estate around. Start mapping it out. You have my number. You can text or call me. I’ll happily do on a FaceTime with you and go dive deeper on this.

Matt Barre [00:33:04]:
But if you really want to make change and make a difference, then let’s start today are my friends.

Nazar Kalayji [00:33:11]:
Matt, I got a couple more questions for you.

Matt Barre [00:33:13]:

Nazar Kalayji [00:33:14]:
I don’t want to spend $10,000 for this equipment yet. And I don’t have the luxury of flying to Salt Lake or wherever to do these podcasts. Can I just janky and get my phone and do it that way? Or do you think that’s, like.

Matt Barre [00:33:33]:
In. Okay, so a couple of things, my guys. I’m actually in communication with a business partner to opening a studio in person, two studio podcast studio in St. George. So we should talk about that. And then the other option is I’m in communication with Jimmy Rex and his organization over at rookery Studios to see if you record your podcast on your laptop via Zoom. Could you then send that audio and video to a third party who will do what they do and post it for you? So I’m looking at other options of maybe doing an outsourced service that you send your stuff to a third party service. They’ll edit it, they’ll audio it, they’ll post it for you, and then all you got to do is just record on your laptop.

Matt Barre [00:34:21]:
One last thing before I go. And this circles actually, into what Nanda was saying. I’ve got guests who are out of state, out of country that want to do podcasts with me. One thing that I came to mind was I’m actually buying. I don’t know whether you guys have seen these. I’m sure you. I’ve now bought three of these. These little microphones.

Matt Barre [00:34:37]:
The little stand up microphones are actually Bluetooth. They’re pretty cool. I actually have three of these, and I’ve bought three 4k webcams. And if I have a guest, I will ship this plus the webcam with a self address label to them. They plug it into their laptop. I have quality audio. I have 4k footage. And once they’re done, they stick it in a box and send it back.

Matt Barre [00:35:00]:
The amount of people like, I would love to be on your podcast, but my laptop is shitty or I don’t have good headphones. Don’t worry, sweet cheeks. I’ve got you covered. It’s in the mail. So just a food for thought. If you’re doing podcasts with people out of state, out of country, but yes, you can absolutely record on your phone and your laptop. And then, quite honestly, you could go on fiver and find somebody that does video editing and audio and just say, hey, I’m doing a podcast. I’ve recorded this.

Matt Barre [00:35:23]:
Here’s the audio. Can you make it pretty and send it back? You could probably find that on fiver for $25 to $30, maybe $50 a gig. So, yes, Matt Ifanam, I will post in the five leadership text. I will post the links for those and also the 4K cameras for you. Okay. Hi, my friends. Any other questions?

Nazar Kalayji [00:35:46]:
Matt, thank you so much for being on here and sharing this information with us. I think it’s important for people to. This, even for me, seems a little overwhelming. Just FYI, these master classes are made into podcasts. We do have a podcast of all these master classes that people can go back and listen to. I think the audio is good. The video is not as great, but obviously podcasts don’t have video. But I think it’s even as overwhelming as it might seem, or as you might be sitting in the seat that you are today might think, oh, I don’t have the voice for audio or for podcasts.

Nazar Kalayji [00:36:24]:
I’m not compelling enough or whatever it is. Those are all just limiting beliefs that every single one of you may have. And I believe that there’s always someone that’s willing to listen to you, and that’s your tribe, right? I think it’s important to be able to realize that people out there need to know that you exist. And if you don’t put yourself out there and be vulnerable enough to do so, then you don’t exist. And so I just invite you to be willing to do that, be willing to step out of your comfort zone, and even if you don’t do it for yourself, do it for people that need to hear your story or need to hear you and how you’re able to orchestrate telling those stories that are out there.

Matt Barre [00:37:02]:
Guys, it’s also a really great way. Quite honestly, if you’re doing it as a real estate podcast. It’s actually a really great way to introduce new agents on your team to your entire database. If you sent a link out to your entire database of this week’s new episode and it’s like, hey, this week’s new episode is introducing Alan buyer specialist Dave. It’s a great way of introducing people on your team to your database. They already know and like you. They’ll probably give a ten or 15 minutes podcast a listen to support you. It’s a great way to show what you’re doing in the community.

Matt Barre [00:37:33]:
It really is a great, powerful tool, and like Zach said, it lasts a lifetime. So, guys, thank you, my friends. I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to chat about something that obviously I’m very passionate about. I’ve just set up my podcasting for next week in Utah, so this is perfect. If you have any questions, please text, call, or email me. You’re more than happy to chat it up and I will get you the links for my microphones and the webcams in the chat.

Nazar Kalayji [00:38:01]:
That’d be awesome. Thank you so much. All right, guys.

Matt Barre [00:38:03]:
Hi, guys. Have a great one.

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