Your Guide to Real Estate Video Marketing


Your Guide to Real Estate Video Marketing with Karen Stone

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[00:00:00] Kristina Kendig: Welcome. Today we have Karen Stone. She is in Park City. Those of you that have been hearing us go back and forth, and so she’s gonna, actually, I don’t even know what you’re gonna share with us today. She’s gonna, she’s gonna share her screen. I do know that. So I’m gonna give the time over to her and then Karen, I’ll just moderate, like if people are putting any comments or anything in the chat, I’ll keep track of that.

So we will throw out any questions in anything. So I will turn the time over to you.

[00:00:26] Karen Stone: Awesome, thank you. I’m still, I’m a little rusty with the whole screen share, especially with, with PowerPoint, so I’m going to try to be on camera as much as possible, and then I’ll switch over to that. So as, as you mentioned, my name’s Karen Stone.

I’m super excited to be leading this session today. If you’re here today to learn about Zillow or Home Bought or FSBOs, you can just leave the room. But if you want to learn about how to leverage your content, specifically your video content then get out your notebook if you can. I know that some of you are driving, so just try to note some of these things and I know that, that you are recording it.

I’m gonna leave some of my contact information as I flow through this, but I wanted to share a little bit of information with you about who I am. I would actually love to see in the chat where are all of you? Where are you from? I know that that you’re kind of spread all over the country, so I’d love to kind of know who I’m talking to.

So I actually grew up in Southern California. I’m a California native, a valley girl to be exact. When I was 18, I went to college in the Midwest and out of college I moved to New York City. I do have a degree in marketing, so don’t let that scare you. But my first two jobs were in licensing for consumer products, doing product development for Disney, actually for nine months in LA and then Nickelodeon for three years in New York City.

In September of 2007, I found myself without a job and I decided why not get into real estate? So I started selling there in March of 2008. Great timing, right? So for 15 years I navigated the New York City real estate market and when the. Covid hit. I decided I was not gonna stay in New York. I leased my very first car ever and I literally drove across the country without a target and ended up in Park City.

The reason I feel that this is relevant to you is because, unlike some of you on this call, I have never sold in a place where I’ve had the luxury of having childhood or family friends to rely on to become my clients. I’ve had to start from scratch now twice, and I’ve slowly navigated my way through the learning curves and the evolution of video marketing and marketing in general.

They definitely were not teaching TikTok or Facebook or Google my business when I was in college. So if you’re in the room and you have some connectivity to your community, maybe you were born and raised in your community, you have kids and a family, and if your business runs off of mainly referrals, then what I’m about to share is something that I hope you will add to the things that you’re already doing to connect with your past clients and your sphere of influence.

By doing these exercises, I have quickly been able to establish myself as an expert in Park City for whatever that’s worth in two and a half years, and was actually just offered the chance to be on American Dream tv. Nobody knows that. I’m just sharing this now as one of a handful of agents who will focus on the lifestyle and real estate in Park City.

And what I’m about to share has been a focus of mine. I’ve worked with my coaches on this, I’ve been studying this, and I basically had to learn, you know, and this is kind of a tool that I’ve used as I’m learning an entirely new market and an entirely different way of doing business. New York City is unlike any other market out there.

You may be thinking, no, but mine’s different. But New York City with co-ops and attorneys, it’s very different. So during Covid, I actually traveled across the country and met with 80 different agents over 80 agents actually. And one thing I learned along my journey was that many of the agents that I was meeting with, and some of ’em I was just meeting for coffee or lunch meetings, really struggle with their marketing.

And it led me to create a business where I actually helped agents with their video marketing needs. And I’m gonna share some resources. I helped agents to strategize their overall video strategies. I helped them write scripts. I storyboarded for them. I directed their videos. I hired videographers and editors and helped them define their voice on camera.

All the while working to create content that these agents could not only share on social media, but hopefully be able to share across multiple platforms. As you can imagine, I got to Park City about 8,000 miles later. I realized I don’t wanna keep driving anymore and I figured this looks fine. I might as well call this place home.

Of course it was August and Park City for those of you who’ve never been is beautiful. So I’ll share my screen just so you can get some intel on that course. Okay, so that’s my contact info and I apologize if I’m a little rusty with this. Okay. So once I got to Park City, I actually created a course.

During the summer there were lots of fires and it really wasn’t safe to be outside because of the air quality. I. So I sat down and I pulled everything that I could from my lessons on the road, and I created a video marketing course. We, we decided for Tanya to do it. Okay. So just so you know, there’s, so if you connect her to Tanya, then Tanya can we 32.

Rainbow is out. I know. Oh, you do? Okay, cool. We’re 32. Rainbow. Yeah. He’s got Robert. Yeah. So, [00:06:00] okay. Thank you. So this video marketing course, there’s no, absolutely no pressure for you to take it or anything, but within this course I focus on helping agents find their confidence, all their being on camera, all the way to their video strategy, to coming up with the content, to how to hire the right people and to ask the questions when it comes to hiring and then all the way to distribution.

If you would like any information on the course, you can see the link here. I just wanna make sure that you are seeing the link, you’re seeing the PowerPoint link. Right? The PowerPoint. Okay, cool. So this is a QR code. I know some of you are on your phones, but I’ll go ahead and drop a link in there. But I have some, some some content that I’ve created to, that I give out to people when I’m presenting specifically with some video prompts and how to kind of jog your mind so that you could come up with your own content.

This course is literally for anybody at any level. I hate using those words, but whether you’re just scared to be on camera or you have no problem being on camera and you just need some help with your strategy, or if you have no budget for a videographer or a huge budget, you can pretty much jump in anywhere you want.

So I created this course based on my learnings and overall what I’ve learned. Is that the average agent will spend a lot of time creating one piece of content. I mean, it’s crazy how much time some of us spend to create like a reel for YouTube or a reel for Instagram. And as I would produce these videos for agents, I found that they would really only use it once.

Of course my goal was for them to use it multiple times, but most of them, they were just not able to think much bigger and frankly, Even with a beautifully produced video, some of them still felt like they were imposters by putting out this type of content. Think to yourself, do I feel like an imposter when I’m putting out videos?

Or they would judge themselves based on how they looked and sounded. One of my clients, actually, she told me that like months later. She told me that she lost 10 pounds since the shoot, and she never actually put any of the videos out there. We shot 22 videos together. If I can give you one tip today, when it comes to videos, it’s just to simply embrace who you are.

It’s completely unrealistic to expect you, yourself to look or sound any different than you do than when you meet a client in person. They know what you look like. They know what you sound like. They know, like they’re expecting to see you. For some of us, we feel like people don’t really want to hear what we have to say.

But I’ll tell you this, even if it’s just your mom and I have these conversations with my mom all the time where she’s like, so I saw you were skiing the other day. Well, you know what? My mom saw the video and then she goes to play bingo or play cards and goes out for lunches and dinners and she tells people what, what I’m doing.

And you know, I’m not out here trying to teach you how to be the next star of million dollar listing. I’m not even trying to be the next star. But if you can touch a small percentage of your community and get them to call you and use you for their real estate needs, then even the simplest video is worth doing.

So I’m gonna stop sharing this so I, I can see you, you can’t, I don’t know if you can see me, but if you are able to raise your hand, I’d love to see how many of you are literally a machine creating content on the fly. Maybe you’re raising your hand while you drive. Just be safe. Raise your hand if you feel like you make great content and it just doesn’t get the phone to ring.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever gotten a compliment from a client or a neighbor or even another realtor about the content you put out there, and you were surprised to see that. Wow, they’re watching. Raise your hand if you enjoy making content. And raise your hand if you are looking for an easy plan to turn one piece of content into 10 pieces.

That my friends is what this, the rest of my, of my talk will be on. I call it content multiplication. Easily turn one piece of content into 10. So Here’s the reality. Many of us spend hours coming up with a piece of content that we think is gonna literally break the internet. We think we’ve got this unicorn only to end up with five views and no comments.

We’ve hired all the right people. We’ve come up with all the content that we think they wanna hear, and then guess what? It goes away in 24 hours. So today I wanna introduce you to a concept called repurposing, and it’s something that, again, I have personally been really focused on for the last year because I spend a lot of time creating content.

However, I will admit that there are times when I don’t feel like creating content. So I go back into the back closet of YouTube and into my past videos that I’ve like recorded on my phone, and I start to create some new pieces of content around those. But the purpose of today is to teach you the tools.

To spend a limited amount of time not only creating the content, but also creating the right content to then utilize across multiple platforms that are not only gonna grab attention on social media, but I think many at which I think many of us are kind of thinking like that’s what we need, but also to create evergreen and searchable content where it matters most.

So we call this piece of content a pillar piece of content. The piece of content should be, in theory, a long format video. For the purposes of today, we’re gonna be talking mostly about video, but this can also be a blog post. It’s there to educate people, it provides [00:12:00] resources. There’s some kind of element of storytelling.

It’s a piece of content where you can extract other content. From it to create multiple pieces. So think about it like a meat lovers pizza, where you’ve got the pepperoni and the sausage and the cheese, and you kind of extract all of those different components. And we start talking about each of those components as a, you know, and then the, the main video is the full pizza.

So let’s start with an example. I pulled this example because I think it’s something that could be relevant for all of us. Some of us are in different markets and you know, maybe we’ve done this video, maybe we’re planning on doing it. But the topic is the pros and cons of moving to insert your city.

Whether you’re in a second home resort market or in a primary market, whether your price points are 4 million or $200,000, this is a video that you should be doing. The components of the video are super important here. The video has a hook and a call to action. The hook is uber important. A hook can be something like, Don’t move to my city until you watch this video or that you didn’t know these pros and cons about my city.

Now I come up with these kind of in my head, but I’m gonna teach you some tools that you can use to come up with these, with these hooks. The video also has pros and cons, so let’s tell you three pros and three cons of your area, and ideally we have some B-roll as well of your, of your city. B-roll. For those of you who don’t know, is footage.

That you can literally capture from your cell phone. I have my phone on me all the time. It might be a landscape video of mountains or a pan of main street or a view of a golf course. It does not have you in it. It’s just supplemental footage to go along with you being on camera. So now we have to figure out who’s watching this video and where are they watching it.

This is important because. Again, a lot of us create like a reel and we think like, oh my God, my ideal buyer is on Instagram watching this. But really your ideal buyer might not be, you know, in, in that range. When you look at the analytics, they might not be 25 to 35. You know, also searching for cats and recipes and diet tips, right?

Like they’ll, they’re probably, your buyers might be on LinkedIn, they might be on Google. So let’s talk about who they are. So my assumption is that these people are thinking of relocating to your area. They might already be in your area. They might be relocation specialists who, you know, need some content to share with their clients.

But all in all, they are likely going to be top of funnel home buyers if they’re home buyers at all. This is a super important note because I think it’s really unrealistic to expect someone to call based on one video alone and then buy a home from you. The reality is, if you do the research, and there are tools where you can do the research to see how many people are searching for moving to my town.

You’re not gonna find millions. I mean, even in New York City, you don’t find millions. For instance, my my town has 9,000 full-time residents, so I’m not looking to hit all 9,000. I might hit a hundred or 200 or 300, and that is actually fairly sufficient and fairly decent. See a question in the chat. I love that.

I never thought about relays looking for at videos of agents to work with Gene. There you go. You, you just never know, right? You gotta like, I kind of like think outside the box a little bit here. So again, I don’t try to reach the masses. You know, think about this. We all know like Austin during Covid was a huge market and people were moving there.

Well, I promised you that there were more people, you know, typing in What do I need to know about moving to Austin than what is it like to move to Wichita, Kansas? Like, let’s just call a spta spade here. Okay, so now we have to figure out where are they looking. Many of them will simply turn to Google and they’ll type in moving to my city.

They might be searching for the best realtor in your city. They might be perusing TikTok for videos on your area and your content happens to pop up. Maybe these are possible buyers. Maybe these are just people who are curious about the area. Maybe they’re visiting the area, or let’s face it, I live in a very Instagram, Instagram friendly town, and many of them are just looking for backdrops, for selfies.

Ultimately, the goal is to be everywhere. These buyers or sellers, any kind of client that you’re looking for, are looking. So in the next slide I spell out, oops. Okay, so in this slide I spell out, I think this is like one of the most important parts of my whole presentation, and if you take nothing else from this, I spell out how to help you get that content.

None of these steps has anything to do with design or making an Instagram post. I don’t expect you to go hire a designer to do this or go to design school. It simply has to do with having the right content to supplement the visuals. So your first step, obviously, is to record the video. As you’re recording the video, I recommend that you have some bullet points.

You start with the three pros and the three cons. You might decide to use a script, that’s great. You might decide that bullet points are fine and you’re just gonna wing it. I recommend from my videos, you know, pro standpoint, I recommend shooting it horizontally with room to edit for vertical snippets for social media.[00:18:00]

And when you’re working with an editor, if you are working with an editor, I would tell them that you will be pulling this video apart and you do want shorter snippets in vertical format for your social media. Hopefully you’re not overwhelmed by this. We’re just taking literally one piece and we’re creating a different format for it.

So the next thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna get a transcript for the video. If you decide to use a a script, then you don’t need this part, but if you don’t use a script, then you’re gonna wanna get it transcribed. I personally use a site called, r e If you’re in the car they charge a nominal fee to, based on the length of the, of the video.

And there are a lot of other platforms that do this, but you, all you need is the transcript of the video. Now, this next step is a little bit more advanced, and I’d like for those of you who are not as familiar with ai, I wanna introduce you to chat g p t and ways that you can use prompts to get the revisions to the script that you need to use across multiple platforms.

So first we’re gonna tell chat, g p t if that’s the. AI tool that you choose to use, we’re gonna tell it to shorten the script to 1500 characters. You’ll see why. A, as we move on next we’re gonna ask it literally, Hey, Chad and I wrote the prompts here. Ask Chad, g p t what are the six most relevant points from the video script to use on social media?

It’s very specific. It’s very important to be specific. That you know that you’re asking for the six points and you’re telling it that you’re gonna be using it on social media. Obviously we might be able to just extract those six points, might be the three pros and the three cons. But I always suggest that you ask chat g p t to give you this content as well because maybe they’ll, it’ll pick up on something and put a different spin to it.

And then the last thing you’re going to do with chat G P T is you’re gonna ask, what are the most common keywords or phrases to use? Based on this transcript, and you can get super specific you know, for people who are thinking of buying in my area, for people who are relocating, right? Again, those keywords are important.

So some of you might be thinking, and you might have heard hat G P T doesn’t always tell the truth. I don’t wanna plagiarize, but in this case, we’re literally feeding it the content that we have already created. This is original content and all we are telling it to do is to use, use our script and to pull those keywords, to shorten it and, and give us the tools so that we can, you know, use it across different platforms.

And I guarantee that whatever it pulls is probably better than what you’re gonna be able to pull. And by the way, it’s free. So on this next two slides I have spelled out the next the ways that you’re gonna be able to use this video. And we’re just gonna go through one by one. So I tend to, I, I like to think about this as like a wheel.

Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to create that visual for you. So try to follow along if you can. So the first thing I generally do is I post the video onto YouTube. YouTube is the second most popular search tool and website on the entire internet. So if you’re not on YouTube, you’re definitely missing something.

And when somebody types in like moving to your city on Google, Google will automatically pull YouTube videos, not just like articles that have been written. So there’s a lot of benefit to being on YouTube. What you’re gonna do there is you’re gonna upload the video, and in the description you can include the full transcript, you can include the shorter script, you have the right to revise it.

So remember, we’ve already got this content from optional. You can ask chat, g p t, and I’ve started to do this to write an SEO optimized headline. I’m not, Here to tell you what SEO optimized me, and I just, that means I just wanna tell you that this is something that you should be asking it to do for this script and relevant tags for a YouTube video.

Again, telling it, using it for a blog post is completely different. So now chat, G p t is going to, you know, is gonna pull the script and it’s gonna say, oh, you know, I think maybe instead of the pros and cons of moving to my city, it could say inside secrets or, you know, un recently uncovered. Like it has these cool ways of coming up with kind of cool headlines.

And you obviously have to tell them that it’s a YouTube video. And I would suggest that once you upload it, that you download that, you take that, that link so that you have it handy so that you can use it elsewhere. The next one, we’re going to create a blog post. Now, some of you might be thinking, hold up.

I don’t have a blog. I, I, I can’t do any of this. It’s okay. We can breeze, pa right past this. But for those of you who do have a blog on your website or some other kind of platform the, what I would suggest doing is uploading the full transcript as well as the YouTube link onto the blog post. And as an optional step, you can ask chat, g p t using this script.

Write an SEO optimized headline for a blog post. Now we’ve got. Two times that we’ve used the full transcript and the video Google says, oh my gosh, this is, this is original content. It’s now on multiple sites. We like this and we’re gonna give you some more love. Step three is to share it on Google My Business.

For those of you who don’t have a Google [00:24:00] Business page, I’d strongly encourage you to get one. But on Google Business profile, you can you can create an update. And the reason that you pulled that shorter transcript is because they only allow 1500 characters. So you will then upload that 1500 characters into your Google Business page.

Note, they do not allow you to say in, in that transcript. You cannot say, call me at or email me at Google will flag it. I’ve been flagged multiple times and rejected for that. So don’t, you know. So we’re gonna, we’re gonna get to next steps right now. So now you’ve got the shorter transcript up uploaded, and then they always have a call to action that you should really be strategizing.

That call to action is learn more or read more, or schedule an appointment or schedule a call or buy this. Now you have to decide what your ultimate goal is, and it’s my suggestion that you use some kind of call to action and link. That leads them to a page where you can track them as users, whether it’s to sign up to get their home value, which for this particular video, I might not suggest sending them to like a tool like Home Bot.

You might wanna get them onto your website so that you can retarget them with ads. So you can say like, read more and that links directly to your blog where they can read more and see the full video. Or you might simply wanna get them onto your YouTube channel so that they can subscribe. All of these are strategies that you need to come up with, but in the link, you have the opportunity to send them somewhere to do something.

Google also loves it when you when you upload photos and videos, they have a limit of 30 seconds for videos. So once you get the video edited, you can certainly ha you know, ask for your editor to do one that’s 30 seconds or less. And create some quote cards which as I mentioned, pulling those top six bullet points.

You can create quote cards in the form of photos, and then upload those into Google as well. And again, Google says, We love this, this, this content is, is consistent. It’s original. You’re putting, you’re feeding it more and more and more. And Google just says, we’re just gonna keep giving you more love.

And many pe many agents have built an entire business over just feeding Google Business page. So now we have three different ways that we’ve used the transcript with all the keywords and two ways that we’ve used the long video. And one shortened version if you choose to use it on Google. Now, step four is one that you might decide, forget it, I’m out.

I don’t, I don’t have a podcast. But if you do have a podcast what you can do is pull the audio from the video. Again, I would hire an outside source to do this, and then create a link for you, for you to use across your platforms as well. Step five. We’re going to reach some people that are your newsletter subscribers.

This is really up to you in the format of your newsletter, but I would suggest uploading the video, specifically the YouTube video if you, for many, I, I know that mine, I can’t upload a, like the, the original video. I have to upload it via a link, so I always connect it to my YouTube channel. And then I would include a very shortened version of the transcript, even just a few sentences, as most of our readers will not read through the whole script.

So I would instead have a button for them to press that leads them back to your blog or some other place again, where you can track them, even if it’s just, you know Gosh go to my Google page just to read more or, you know, hopefully we wanna get them on, on YouTube and maybe, you know, full description you know, here, and they don’t know that they’re going to YouTube, but there’s, that’s where the description is.

Again, we want, the goal is to be able to track where they’re going and to control where they’re going. Step six through 10. This is social media. The thing that so many of us tend to focus on the most because. There. This seems to be like where everybody is, however, and everybody wants to be an an influencer.

And yet all of us are spending all this time creating content that has the shortest shelf life. I’m talking a shelf life shorter than a goldfish that you win at a carnival. I think I’ve, mine has made it maybe a week in my whole life. So using the shortened versions of the videos that you’ve extracted, this is what you’ll use for your reels.

So reels on Instagram can go up to 90 seconds, I believe Facebook is actually a bit shorter. Make sure that when you’re doing this, that you have some kind of profile image or cover image that has some kind of text to it. I, if you follow me, I have a very simple like, Here’s what 4 million gets you in Park City, or don’t move to my city or watch this first, or something catchy like that, which again, you can use chat g p t for that.

Reels have a slightly longer shelf life than stories. But the one thing I like about stories is that stories allow you to include a link. And you can link it back to your blog, link it back to, you know, see full video, link it back to your YouTube channel. You know, there, there are, there are more options there.

I would use the same content from your reels to upload those onto TikTok. Again, keep in mind all of the time limitations, whether it’s 30 seconds or 60 seconds, you know, you want a variety of, of extracted parts, if you will. Through YouTube shorts. I know [00:30:00] that these are 60 seconds. You can use the same content as the reels as well for LinkedIn.

I recommend putting the full transcript as an article unless you’re limited by the number of characters, in which case you can use the shorter transcript and the full YouTube video link. And last I would create static posts for social media with quote cards. Or shorten videos. Just please, please, please do not write, say, link in bio.

Nobody is going to your bio and hunting through all your links unless you have like a platform like the Today Show or a magazine that you like, where they have all of their content in one place and people can kind of pick and choose the full articles that they wanna see. They’re not gonna say, oh, I wanna watch the rest of that video and click, you know, go to your YouTube channel.

Remember how I was telling you we want this to be searchable and evergreen. YouTube shorts is searchable. YouTube still got YouTube. So any of the shorts, if you’re, if somebody types in on Google you know, moving to your city, the shorts should come up as well. So we like that. It’s searchable. We can control that.

And you should definitely be using chat, G P T for that. LinkedIn is also searchable so people can write. You know, can, you know, search for your city and hopefully your content will come up. But unlike you know, Instagram and Facebook and TikTok, unless. You’re feeding it, unless you’re getting engagement from your actual clientele, unless they continue to engage with it.

You can’t, you can’t search for it unless you use, you know, all the right hashtags. And even then there might be so many people using the same hashtag that your might, yours might be at the very, very bottom. So I would encourage you to invest heavily on, on anything that Google can pull. So as you can see, there’s a lot of different steps here.

I’m gonna just stop sharing my screen. Get back. All right. So as you can see, like I said, there’s a lot of different steps involved here, and for those of you who are thinking, oh my God, this is just too much to do by myself, I have some good news for you. This is something that you can easily. Get a virtual assistant to do.

This is something you can hire somebody from across the world, pay them very low price. Have a marketing assistant do your highest and best use of time as an agent or an owner or a manager, is creating the initial video and showing up for the shoot and capturing the B-roll even that you can outsource.

So my recommendation is that you create a an S o p a standard operating procedure for this, and you can literally hand it to somebody. And though I didn’t have the capacity to pull all the images for you, I would suggest pulling images of your YouTube channel, showing the virtual assistant, or showing your assistant the exact formatting that you want for at least your social media stuff.

And even outsourcing the creation of your YouTube thumbnails so that it captures. People’s attention on, specifically on YouTube. I do have my last screen, which I’ll put up, but I wanted to open it up for questions. I know I talk real fast. It was faster than I was expecting. Let me go back here. In my last link, I do have all my handles.

I would love, I love it if you would follow me, engage. And if you scan that QR code, you will you can fill in all your information and join my agent network. I am very active in the kind of agent sphere. I attend Inman and Tom Ferry conferences and women’s events, and I’m always meeting agents and a lot of agents consider me a big connector.

So it al it always helps to know more people in a market. Whether it’s for referrals or just general introductions, so do we have any questions?

[00:34:15] Kristina Kendig: If you guys have any questions, I know we have a large group at the main office. If you guys wanna have one person with the microphone, feel free. If you’re not in the office and you wanna throw it in the chat or just unmute yourself, go ahead and ask. But I did wanna share something.

So what you’re saying about like, people looking for the cities and stuff, my sister there in, in the government and so they move a lot and one of the first things she does is she searches the city. And starts looking at videos and stuff from, from agents. Mm-hmm. So there’s really people that are out there.

It’s like looking for that stuff. So, yeah, I always think, you know, personal stories help and that it really does. People really are using that.

[00:34:55] Karen Stone: Absolutely. Yeah. And there, there, there are tools like keywords everywhere. And Sim Rush, I think is one of ’em where you can, you know, you can run the search for like, what are the queries, what are the exact words?

Even if you go on Google and you literally, you know, type in, like moving to, you know, park City, it’ll autopopulate all the popular searches. Just answer those questions.

[00:35:24] Kristina Kendig: So I do have a question, and sorry, I had to jump on another call. So you may have done jumped on there. So how often are you posting your content?

So you’re shooting this content, you’re breaking it down, and then how often are you posting? Like daily, like weekly?

[00:35:39] Karen Stone: Yeah. I try to post a blog. I’m, I’m a little more loosey-goosey. I don’t have a set schedule. I try to post a reel. Every day, if not every other day. And, and my, my strategy for that is 25% real estate.

The rest is fun. So I live in a fun [00:36:00] place, so I’m constantly, if you follow me like you’ll see like I’m always doing something somewhat interesting. I, at least I think so people seem to like it on my pages. My blogs, I generally do those about once a week or so. If I have more to share, I, I don’t think there’s such a thing as too much content, obviously, too many times posting, like I shared this on my blog and I shared that on my blog and that on my blog, like give it some time for people to respond and to watch and to view it.

But I don’t see anything wrong with, you know, sharing it on my blog on, like, you know, say the. First week of the month, and then the middle of the month, I share it, the same link in my newsletter. So now anybody who didn’t see my blog can see it in my newsletter. So I kind of extend the life of all of this so it’s not going all at the same time.

[00:36:53] Kristina Kendig: Yeah. I’m looking at your Instagram and I’m, I love it. Like you have fashion, you have, you know, like information, just beautiful photos. Like I’m missing Park City right now.

[00:37:05] Karen Stone: And there’s no, like, yes, I understand branding and stuff, but I, I, I’m like, whatever editing tool Instagram offers, that’s the one I use.

I don’t have this whole toolbox of other, like, apps that I can use. I use Canva a lot, but you know, Instagram to me is like perfectly adequate and my, my feeling about all this is done is better than perfect and done is more than what most people are putting out there.

[00:37:36] Kristina Kendig: No, it’s real too. That’s what I, I love like everything and I love the mud season. That’s hilarious!

[00:37:44] Karen Stone: The, the mud season of me and the red jacket that I actually shot, I think two summers ago. That’s, and I think I only put it on YouTube and I happened to shoot it with my phone, so I said, well, let me use it again in my re, you know, in my reels.

[00:38:02] Kristina Kendig: Yeah, you guys need to follow her on Instagram. This is great inspiration, and I loved what you said about just, you know, that we’re afraid to post the videos and so we just don’t do it.

[00:38:13] Karen Stone: Yeah. This is great. We, we overthink it in so many ways and I could have gone into, into all different kinds of lessons that I’ve learned of like. You know, having a an alter ego like I do on the side, I do standup comedy, and so I’ve gained some confidence from that by channeling Mrs. Maisel, right? So when I’m on video, I have, I channel her, you know, and that, that I, I channel the comedian in me.

[00:38:45] Kristina Kendig: No, it’s phenomenal. Any questions? I know we are, we’re very shy. Oh, we have somebody in here. Oh, you do Dropped your ID on there. Fantastic. I, I’m gonna ask is there a way that we can get those slides that you presented, or is that more of your do you want to go through your thing?

[00:38:59] Karen Stone: No, I’ll, I’ll I’ll share all that with you. Fantastic. Yeah. That way they can like click on the QR codes, the qr. With my course, what I, what I offered with that is actual like downloadable tools. Like I have 30 scripts for 30 days of videos. Oh, nice. So that, you know, that’s not considered long, long format, but it’s 30, you know, cuz it’s 30 seconds.

But it could at least maybe. Trigger, you know, jog your mind and maybe, you know, you can expand it. Then I have a script what did I put there? Like, just say where you can put down all your ideas of the kinds of videos that you might wanna make, depending on, you know, what kind of content, whether it’s two minutes or longer, or evergreen or listing related.

So there’s a few, there’s a few things there that, that were specifically offered for the class, but I generally offer.

[00:39:53] Kristina Kendig: Well, fantastic. Karen, thank you so much for your time. I have like five pages of notes, so I am gonna go back and re-watch the video. Appreciate it. Are you gonna be at Summit this year?

[00:40:04] Karen Stone: Still, still up for debate. My sister-in-law is expecting a baby, so. Oh, okay. Well, we’ll, we’ll watch for you just in case. So, yeah, thank. Thank you so much for having me, and if any of you wanna reach out with questions, please don’t hesitate.


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